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December 22, 2019


As of January 1, 2020, Martinsville Duplicate Bridge Club joins our Unit.  Their members have enthusiastically supported our Sectionals and Regional for many years.  Martinsville, Virginia is approximately 50 miles (1 hour) from Greensboro via Route 220 North.  


Drew (Skip) Wilson, an ACBL-certified teacher and director of the Martinsville Duplicate Bridge Club, will join Unit 169's Board of Directors.  Skip's wife, Carolyn, is also a Club Director, avid teacher and skilled player.  The Wilsons will be the director and guaranteed partner on the bridge cruise in November.


Skip provides the following Open/Stratified games during the month:  

  • Every 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 209 Starling Avenue, Martinsville. 


  • Semi-monthly games on Saturdays are played at the Chatmoss Country Club, 550 Mt. Olivet Road in Martinsville.  A free half-hour lesson is given after the game.  Saturday games are subject to availability at the country club and require a reservation either by email to Skip at or a phone call to him at 276-638-3614 Players may elect to stay and enjoy dinner and refreshments (optional and open to non-Chatmoss members).


All results are posted on our website through a link to ACBL "Live."  Click the image to be directed to the Martinsville club page.


Welcome new members!  See you at the bridge table!

December 21, 2019


The Queen of Hearts Greensboro club held its annual holiday party and silent auction at the STaC game on Wednesday afternoon, December 18, in the Lewis Recreation Center in Greensboro.  Thank you to Mary Leger (Director), Laura Norman and Ann Dick (Hospitality), all who brought delicious food, desserts and auction items, and to Ron McKinney, photographer for the event

The three finalists for "ugliest sweater" were Nina Harmon, Pat Cambieri and Bob Hale.  Nina won first prize!.


$1,521.75 was raised in the silent auction for Urban Ministries.  Thank you for your generosity.  

To view photos, click the image.  More events and photos can be found on the website under MEMBERS/PHOTOS

December 19, 2019


Lessons will be offered by Jane Goins at the Forsyth Country Club in Winston-Salem on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning mid-January, 2020.  Registration is required by January 10.  

For more information about these classes, click on the image.

December 18, 2019


The Queen of Hearts Greensboro club held its annual holiday party and silent auction at the STaC game on Wednesday afternoon, December 18.  Thank you to Mary Leger (Director), Laura Norman and Ann Dick (Hospitality), and all who brought delicious food, desserts and auction items.

The three finalists for "ugliest sweater" were Nina Harmon, Pat Cambieri and Bob Hale.  Nina (left in the photo) earned first prize!.


$1,521.75 was raised in the silent auction for Urban Ministries.  Thank you all for your generosity.  

December 18, 2019


Judy Hellen of Greensboro will be teaching lessons on Bridge Basics, Basic Bidding, and Playing the Hand Part 1 in four 2-hour sessions.  Lessons are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursdays beginning January 14 at the earliest.  More details can be found by clicking the image.

Please contact Judy at 336-558-3613, or email Judy@LearnBridgeGSO if you have interest or any questions. 

December 15, 2019


The Unit is seeking several volunteers to assume chairmanships of hospitality for the Unit Games beginning February, 2020.  Games are held twice a month:  one in Greensboro and one in Winston-Salem. 

Each city would have its own hospitality chairman, or team, responsible for providing beverages & ice, and food & snacks of their choice.  Chairmen would also be responsible for paper goods & plastic flatware.  Coffee urns are available at each location.  Additional duties are set-up and clean-up.

Expenses will be reimbursed to chairmen upon submittal of receipts to the Unit Secretary-Treasurer.

If you are interested in this position, please contact Brenda Garzia at or Dixie Culver at, or any one of the Unit Board members.

December 15, 2019


Throughout 2019, members of Unit 169 participated in the "Player of the Year" by attending at least four Unit games and tournaments..  The award is based on the number of master points earned at these events.  A big thanks goes to Tim Stecker, our statistician for the year.

The 2019 "Player of the Year" is Bill Wisdom of Salisbury who earned 178.37 masterpoints.   Congratulations, Bill!

Players earning 100 points or more are: 

Dan Fowler of Salisbury with 134.01 points

David Idleman of Greensboro with 125.90

Bruce Southard of Greensboro with 111.19 points.  

Click image for the complete list.​

December 07, 2019


Click HERE  to read about the Piedmont Triad Non-Life Master Regional that appears  in the December 2019 issue of  "Bridge Bulletin" on Page 30.  

December 04, 2019


What to put on your list for Santa this year?  Ho-Ho-How about the gift of a bridge cruise aboard the Oasis of the Seas November 8 thru 15, 2020. 


Click HERE  for details and contact information for our travel agent

November 24, 2019


Deck yourself out in your ugliest Christmas sweater on Wednesday, December 18. at the Lewis Recreation Center, 3110 Forest Lawn Drive in Greensboro, for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to Village Tavern! The Queen of Hearts Bridge Club is having their annual party to celebrate the holidays.  Lunch will be served at Noon, followed by bridge at 1:00 pm.


There will be an auction to play with several of our distinguished Unit mentors, as well as an auction of consumable items provided by our members.  Suggested items for the auction are:  home-baked cakes, pies, cookies, dessert bars, breads, wine, restaurant gift certificates, etc.  Please bring your donated consumables in non-returnable containers.  

If you have further questions, please contact the club's Director, Mary Leger, at

November 24, 2019


Two of our outstanding volunteers, Brenda Garzia and Elaine Simmons, are retiring from hospitality service for the Unit.  


Our sincere appreciation goes to these two dedicated ladies who have provided delicious food and beverages at our Unit games and tournaments. ​ ​

November 24, 2019


The Unit's Holiday Luncheon will be held at Noon at the Dec 14 Unit Championship game on Saturday, December 14, at the Lewis Center, 3110 Forest Lawn Drive in Greensboro.  The cost of lunch is $5.  Game is free!. Luncheon will be catered and reservations are needed by Saturday, Dec 7. 


Please RSVP by email to if you are attending BOTH the luncheon and the game.

If you are ONLY playing bridge, please RSVP by email to 

November 24, 2019


A rainy afternoon didn't dampen the spirits of those who played in the Unit game Saturday, November 23.  Thank you to Gloria for directing, and Brenda and Elaine for fabulous hospitality.


The December, and final Unit game of the year, will be the annual Holiday Luncheon and Unit Meeting to be held on Saturday, December 14, at the Lewis Center, 3110 Forest Lawn Drive in Greensboro.  A catered lunch will be provided at noon, followed by a brief meeting at approximately 12:45 pm, and bridge at 1:00 pm.  The Unit will charge $5 per person for lunch.  The game is free to all players..


Please note that the Lewis Center is undergoing renovations, including the restrooms which are currently closed and tentatively scheduled to reopen mid-December.  Portable sanitation restrooms are currently located at the front entrance on the patio. 

November 16, 2019


Our travel agent has reserved a block of cabins in specific categories at a special group price for our bridge cruise November 8-15, 2020.


Category 6D, Oceanview Balconies, are sold out for our group block on the Oasis of the Seas cruise November 8-15, 2020.  Categories 4D and 8D are Oceanview Balconies and are still available, as are Oceanview and Interior cabins.


There are at least 34 categories of cabin available on the ship and if you book a cabin that is not in our group booking, it can be moved into the group.  Pricing may be different.  


Please contact our travel agent, Nancy Bogert at 800-561-0802, to make your reservation. 

November 16, 2019


Our travel agent has reserved a block of cabins in specific categories at a special group price for our bridge cruise November 8-15, 2020 on the Oasis of the Seas.


Category 6D, Oceanview Balconies, are sold out for our group block.  Categories 4D and 8D are Oceanview Balconies and are still available, as are Oceanview and Interior cabins.


There are at least 34 categories of cabins available on the ship, and plenty of cabins are currently available. if you book a cabin that is not in our group booking, it can be moved into the group.  Pricing may be different.  


Please contact our travel agent, Nancy Bogert at 800-561-0802, to make your reservation.

For those of you who wonder what there is to do when not playing bridge, the attached Cruise Compass is from a previous sailing and is indicative of the many activities onboard the Oasis of the Sea.  Click HERE   You may also find much information on the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line's website at

November 06, 2019


Triad Bridge Club is pleased to announce a new duplicate bridge game on Friday afternoons, starting this week!  The game will be Open with the goal of running fun and challenging games for all players.  A = >2500 MPs / B = 1000-2500 MPs / C = <1000 MPs. 

Winning pair always received 2 FREE PLAYS!  Any C pair with a 60% or higher game automatically received 2 FREE PLAYS!


TIME:  Friday afternoons at 12:30 pm (light lunch starting at noon)

LOCATION:  New Garden Friends Meeting, Fellowship Hall, 801 New Garden Road (across from Guilford College before the intersection of Friendly/College/New Garden)

October 25, 2019


Two clubs in our Unit are participating in the 2019 ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint Game on Thursday, October 31: 


1) For this event, Furniture City Bridge Club (Open and Invitational Section for 0-600 MPs) will be held at the Georgia Taylor Recreation Center, 1471 W. Clemmonsville Road in Winston-Salem.


2) River Landing at Sandy Ridge in Colfax (Restricted 0-1250 MPs).  For info on these clubs, including directions, and contacts for directors, check the "Clubs" section of the website.

The following applies to open games:  one gold point to section tops in each direction in each club, remaining points red/black at 81.8% sectional rating.  Overall Awards: 1st, 20; depth of awards, 10 places / District Winners: 1st, 10; depth of awards, 5 places

Winners recognized on the website and in the Bridge Bulletin. Hand records and analyses provided.  See your score instantly after each deal played!  Included in player's entry fee is a 36-page booklet with complete analyses of the deals by national champion Larry Cohen.

October 18, 2019


It's easy to find your results from club and Unit games on your cell phones!  For a tutorial, Click HERE.

October 07, 2019


Thank you to all who responded to the survey.  We have enough interest and forged ahead with our very own Unit 169 bridge cruise.


January, 2020, was the preferred itinerary.  However, after consulting with the travel agent, it was found that group space was not available, handicap-accessible cabins were unavailable, the fares shown on the survey had increased 2- and sometimes 3-fold in a matter of days, and full and final non-refundable payment was due immediately.  Therefore, we have chosen the second-choice date of November 8, 2020 on Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas, round-trip from Ft. Lauderdale to the Western Caribbean.

The 7-night cruise visits Falmouth Jamaica and Cozumel Mexico, as well as a day at RCCL's private island.  Bridge will be played mornings and afternoons on the three days at sea, and once a day in port (excluding Ft. Lauderdale) ... 9 sessions!

You may contact our travel agent to book your reservation.  For specific details, Click HERE

October 03, 2019


​ACBL Live for Clubs is an online tool just for clubs and their members. It’s a better way for players to see how they did at the club. Club members will love the new benefits, like a personal results page and optional automated emails with results information, and clubs will enjoy a simplified process and added customization abilities.


New for players:

  • In-depth online results display similar to ACBL Live (tournaments)

  • Optional email notifications when scores are posted

  • Ability to search for past results – your own or your friends’

  • Customizable list of favorite clubs for faster searching


New for clubs:

  • Personalized Club Manager dashboard for your needs and processes

  • Simplified gamefile submission process

  • Ability to add your club’s logo and customized messages for your players

  • Automatic file transfer to third-party sites like The Common Game or Bridgewebs – no need to send the same information twice


To receive instant notification of your results via email or text message:

  • Log into your MyACBL Portal

  • Go to Privacy Settings (Located under "Membership")

  • Change privacy preferences to SUBSCRIBE for General Email Communication and/or SUBSCRIBE for Cell Phone Text Communication

September 30, 2019


We are excited to offer our membership another "FIRST," and results are already coming in from the Survey emailed this morning regarding a proposed Bridge Cruise, exclusive for Unit 169.  For a copy of the Survey, Click HERE 


Once the results have been tallied and the itinerary/date has been decided, a block of staterooms will be booked.  We will be negotiating special pricing and amenities with the cruise line and travel agency for our group.  Definitive information will then be announced.

Please send your reply in an email with your preferences (including your names) to by October 6.  We particularly need to know which itinerary/date and stateroom type you prefer.  It is also helpful to know whether you are a single traveler, need a handicap stateroom, and if you are willing to share a stateroom.

Bon voyage!

September 28, 2019


Our next Unit game will be Saturday, October 19,, at the Lewis Center, 3110 Forest Lawn Drive in Greensboro.  This game will be a Jane Johnson 8-is-Enough Team Game with an 81.8% rating paying out black masterpoints.

"A" player = 3 points and have 2000+ points / "B" player = 2 points and have 751 to 1999 points / "C" player = 1 point and have 0-750 points


Please send your teams names (indicating captain) to Gloria Halstead, Director, as soon as possible.  Email Gloria at as soon as possible.

Remember, give yourself ample time to purchase your entry so the game can start promptly at 1:00 pm.

September 24, 2019


Unit 169's last tournament of the year will be the Autumn Leaf Sectional in Salisbury, NC.  Come and enjoy good bridge and fellowship at the Rufty-Holmes Senior Center, 1120 Martin Luther King Road.  Tournament and Partnership chairmen are Myrnie & John McLaughlin, who can be reached at, phone 704-636-9781 or 704-236-1161.

Friday's sessions will be held at 1:00 pm and 6:30 pm.  Saturday is ACBL Junior Fund Day with more silver points to be earned at no extra cost.  Sessions will start at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.  Make sure you have your team for Sunday's Swiss Teams starting at 10:00 am.  Lunch cost is included in your entry fee for all Swiss Teams!

For further information, Click HERE

August 28, 2019


Online threats have become more common, and unfortunately, they are more sophisticated than ever. We know that such scams have recently targeted our community, so please beware.


Some units and districts are being contacted via email with requests for payment or a bank transfer for a tournament-related expense. These scammers pretend to be another district or unit officer and can be very convincing. The sender's email address may even appear legitimate. Please watch out for these attempts.


We are committed to your security, so we've taken measures to guard against future cyber-attacks.First, we've improved our ability to contact and warn you about possible scams. A new email software has been installed that allows us to send important business communications like this to all officers who have an email address on file. Please make sure the contact information we have for you is up to date in your MyACBL portal. If you need assistance, contact


We've also worked to better protect unit and district contact information. Members are now required to sign into MyACBL to access officer lists. Please note that while security has been enhanced, it may be more difficult for some of the less tech-savvy members to contact you.If you think you've received a scam email, we suggest reporting it to agencies like the Federal Trade Commission.


Click HERE for more information available on their website. If a scam succeeds, we strongly recommend that you contact law enforcement authorities (police, FBI, U.S. attorney) to report a crime.


Thank you,

The ACBL Team

August 08, 2019


​Jeannette Snipes, Director of the bridge club at River Landing at Sandy Ridge in Colfax, has announced the masterpoint limit for the games has been raised to 1250.  Please come out and enjoy the game on Thursday afternoon at 1:00 pm.

August 03, 2019


Thank you for attending the NAP Qualifier in Greensboro.  

The next Unit Game will be a STaC (Sectional Tournament at  Clubs) with a Sectional rating of 100.% paying out Silver points.  Please join us at the Georgia Taylor Recreation  Center, 1471 W. Clemmonsville Road in Winston-Salem on  Saturday, August 24. 


Remember, give yourself ample time to purchase your entry so the game can start promptly at 1:00 pm.

July 30, 2019


​For the second year in a row, the Winston-Salem Summer Sectional has set an attendance record.  Besting 2018 by 4 tables, the Sectional's attendance was 316 tables.  1329.90 masterpoints were earned by 291 players.  Frank Burgess of Winston-Salem took third place with 32.59 masterpoints earned, after first- and second-place winners. the Joyces, from Chapel Hill.  For all results, Click HERE

Congratulations to Cindy Wright, Chairman of the tournament.  Thanks to Susan Wesley, Partnership Chairman, and all volunteers and attendees.  

The last Unit 169 Sectional of the year will be held October 11-13 at the Rufty Holmes Recreation Center in Salisbury. 

July 25, 2019


​Beginner bridge lessons will be held Mondays from 9:15 am until 11:15 am for eight weeks starting Monday, August 19.  Classes will cover opening bids, responses, opener and responder rebids, overcalls, Stayman, and weak-two bids.  Cost is $140, plus $20 for the textbook.

Advanced bidding classes will be held Thursdays from 9:15 am until 11:15 am for eight weeks starting Thursday, August 22.  Classes will cover bidding in third and fourth seats, takeout doubles, cuebids by responder and advancer, Michael's cuebid, unusual notrump, Jacoby 2NT, negative doubles, new minor forcing, and Western cuebids.  Cost is $140, plus $20 for the textbook.

All classes will be held at the Lewis Recreation Center, 3110 Forest Lawn Drive in Greensboro.  Please send your check to Mary Leger, 29 Nandina Drive, Greensboro NC 27455.  If you have questions, call Mary at 336-327-6357

July 02, 2019


Unit 169's third Sectional of the year begins Friday, July 26 through Sunday, July 28, and is held at the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds in the Home & Garden Center Building, Gate 9.

All single-session games are at 10:00 am and 2:30 pm.  There will be a side 0-499er section.  A Life Master may play in the 0-499er section IF you have less than 500 masterpoints.  Friday's games support the ACBL Education Fund.  You can earn more silver points at no extra charge. 


Friday's lunch:  Food contributions may include:  bowls of chicken or egg salad, deli meats and cheeses, breads and rolls, layered salads, broccoli salads, etc.  Please advise Cindy Wright if you are brining a sliced ham, roast beef or turkey.

Saturday's lunch:  Hot dog luncheon.  Sunday's 2-session Swiss Team event includes a lunch for all players. 

Food contributions for Saturday and Sunday may include:  deviled eggs, cheese and crackers, cheese balls, Mexican layered salads, dips and chips, fresh fruits, and other snacks … and desserts! … brownies, homemade cookies or bar cookies and cakes.

If you need a partner or team, please contact Susan Wesley at 336-407-4600 or email her at  For a tournament flyer, Click HERE.

July 18, 2019


Mentors with more than 50 MPs and Mentees with less than 50 MPs will be paired ahead of time by the director, Rich Peffer.  Please contact Rich before Friday, July 26.


This special game is part of the weekly Wednesday Evening Piedmont Bridge Club to promote new players' learning and development, and for masterpoints, prizes, and FUN!  The club meets at the Lewis Recreation Center, 3110 Forest Law Drive in Greensboro from 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm.  Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the game starts for introductions and organization.  For all information Click HERE   


For a copy of the "Fat-free Standard American" convention card, Click HERE

July 02, 2019


Mary Leger, Director of the Ten of Clubs Bridge Club, announces an increase in the club's masterpoint limit to 1,250.  The game is held Fridays at 10:00 am at the Leonard Center, 6324 Ballinger Road, Greensboro.  


The game on Friday, July 5, has been canceled due to the holiday.  

July 01, 2019


Frank Burgess, from Winston-Salem, has earned the elite rank of Diamond Life Master.  Requirements for this rank are:  the person must be a Life Master with 5,000 master points, at least 1,000 are silver/red/gold/platinum, of which at least 500 or more are gold/platinum. 


Of the current 812 Unit 169 members, only 7 have attained Diamond Life Master.  This is truly a great accomplishment, and we heartily congratulate Frank.  

June 27, 2019


Penny Barham, Director of the Reidsville Bridge Club, reports that the club has raised $755 in support of the ACBL fundraiser for Alzheimer's Association.  Congratulations and a big "thank you" to the club for their generosity.

June 22, 2019


The Unit held an Alzheimer's fund-raiser Unit game on June 22 at the Georgia Taylor Recreation Center in  Winston-Salem.  The Unit did not charge an entry fee for the game, but took donations for Alzheimer's primarily through a raffle, a silent auction, and several matching donations.  Members of the Unit were extremely generous and we have raised $5,654 in donations to-date!  Thank you!   For photos from the event, CLICK HERE


Judy Hellen, Kathie Dwyer, Cathy McLeod, Becky Smith and Anne Dick were the lucky winners in the raffle.  Anne won a Hot Pot, and the others won free District or Unit plays..  Congratulations to all the winners!


In the silent auction, Martha and Gene Merryman, Anne Dick, Dixie Culver, Debbie Elston, Susan Williford and a winner who wishes to remain anonymous were the high bidders for a game with one (or more) of our premier players.  Many thanks to Peter J. Boyd-Bowman, Sue Cooper, Kathie Dwyer, Dan Fowler, David Idleman, Cathy McLeod, Bruce Southard, and Bill Wisdom who agreed to donate a game for Alzheimer's.


The game was attended by 19.5 tables.  Dan Fowler and Bill Wisdom won overall with a 74.19%(!), earning 5.63 master points.  Becky Smith and Judy Fleming won the overall in Flight B, and Suzanne and Bob Rhodes won Flight C overall. 


Please join us for our next Unit game on Saturday, July 13, at the Lewis Recreation Center in Greensboro.  The game will be a North American Pairs Qualifier with an 81.8% Sectional rating.


Thanks again to all that participated, or otherwise contributed, to the Alzheimer's fund raiser

June 15, 2019


It is estimated that 5.8 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s, with an annual cost of $290 billion.  By 2050, this is expected to grow to 13.8 million Americans with a cost of $1.1 trillion.  One in three of us will develop some form of dementia before we die.  This is a very cruel, progressive disease that is increasing and affects everyone close to the person impacted.  To see some staggering statistics on this disease, Click HERE    

This year's Unit event will take place on  Saturday, June 22, at the Georgia Taylor Recreation Center, 1471 W. Clemmonsville Road in Winston-Salem.  Game starts at 1:00 pm.  The Unit has made this game no charge to players. We will be asking players who are able, to donate to the Alzheimer’s Association when they come to play. The Alzheimer’s Association donates 80% of its receipts to research, and care and support for Alzheimer’s patients. The great majority of the dollars donated at our game will go to Alzheimer’s research, support and advocacy for Alzheimer’s victims.


To incentivize you a little, we’ll be giving away raffle tickets for donations and raffling off two sets of five free Unit game plays, two sets of five free District game plays and a hot pot and utensils. You’ll also have the opportunity to purchase a game with several of the best players in the unit, who have generously offered to be part of a silent auction.


We have several donors who’ve offered matching gifts, so your mere presence, as well as your participation in the game and any donations you give, will reap even larger rewards for the Alzheimer’s Association. So, please get yourself a partner and come to the Alzheimer’s charity unit game on June 22 at 1pm at the Georgia Taylor Center in Winston.


As well as the Unit, several clubs will be running special games the week of June 17 in support of this very worthy cause.  Please check with your local directors and support their games as well.

May 27, 2019


Cindy Wright is initiating a“Newcomer’s Learning Game” for players with zero to 20 masterpoints and who would like to improve their bridge game.  You do not have to be a member of the ACBL (American Contract Bridge League) to play.  Cindy will be there to assist you with bidding, the play of the hand and your defense, as well as providing mini-lessons and teaching duplicate bridge etiquette..  Although this is going to be a sanctioned duplicate game where you can earn masterpoints, it will be very relaxed.  

Two sessions will be offered:  Friday, June 28, 9:30am-11:30am, and Friday, July 12, 9:30am-11:30am, at the .  Georgia Taylor Recreation Center, 1471 West Clemmonsville Road, Winston-Salem 27127.   The Center’s phone number is 336-650-7695.  The cost is $8 per person, per session.  Please arrive 15 minutes ahead of time so we can begin promptly, and plan to stay the entire two hours.  If you like this, and find this helpful, we can continue on a regular basis beginning in August.  You are not required to attend both sessions.

Please email Cindy at with the following information:

  • Which session (or both) you will be attending

  • Whether you will need a partner, or if you will bring a partner (provide both of your names).   These are strictly learning sessions; do not be hesitant to play with a person other than your normal partner. 

  • If you know others who might be interested in this “Newcomer’s Learning Game,” please send Cindy their names and email addresses so she can include them in her distribution list.


For further information, Click HERE

May 22, 2019


On Saturday, June 8, seventy-eight pairs participated in the World Wide Bridge Contest as part of the regular unit game for the Central Carolina Bridge Association. Congratulations to Suzanne Rhodes and Daryl Adams, our overall winners, with a rousing 65.38% game! 

An electronic copy of the booklet can be accessed here. A hand record with double dummy analysis can be accessed Click HERE 

May 21, 2020


Unit 169's second Sectional of the year was held May 17-19.  Attendance drew 254 tables over the three-day period with 1,092.22 masterpoints earned by 246 players.  


Thank you to all who attended, donated, and volunteered to make the tournament a success.  Special mention to Brenda Garzia for fabulous homemade food, Elaine Simmons, and Kelly Harville who rounded out the kitchen duties.  Thanks also to our member and local realtor, Joe Tomlinson, for purchasing all the beverages and Sunday donuts.


The Jefferson Trophy (In Memory of Ken Anderson, Jr.) was won by Salisbury's Bill Wisdom and Dan Fowler who played in all sessions and earned 51.85 masterpoints.   The 7 No-Trump Bridge Award was won by Eric Lee who earned 20.74 MPs, and the Queen of Hearts novice bridge award was won by Andy Symmes who earned 8.57 MPs.  Congratulations to all!

The following is a list of the Top 25 Unit 169 players.  For all results, Click HERE.

   1    51.85   Dan Fowler, Salisbury NC

   2    51.85   Bill Wisdom, Salisbury NC

   3    36.25   Kathleen Dwyer, Greensboro NC

   6    21.70   David Idleman, Greensboro NC

   7    21.46   Frank Burgess Sr, Winston Salem NC

   8    20.74   Eric Lee, Greensboro NC

  13   16.52   Catherine McLeod, Eden NC

  14   16.52   Bruce Southard, Greensboro NC

  15   16.41   Donald Folger, Clemmons NC

  16   15.55   John Kimel Jr, Advance NC

  17   15.37   Simone Liebling, Greensboro NC

  18   14.11   Nancy Osborne, Greensboro NC

  19   14.11   Joanne McClusky, Burlington NC

  20   13.72   Peter J Boyd-Bowman, Greensboro NC

  22   13.57   John Corpening, High Point NC

  23   13.57   Frances Dunn, Winston Salem NC

  24   10.52   Wanda Dyer, Eden NC

  25   10.52   Jo Taylor, Greensboro NC

  26   10.02   Ernest Lunsford, Winston-Salem NC

  27     9.90   Kent Leggett, Clemmons NC

  28     9.49   Gloria Halstead, High Point NC

  29     9.49   Fred Picklesimer, High Point NC

  30     9.47   Eric Peffer, Greensboro NC

  31     9.45   Nancy Lide, Winston Salem NC

  32     9.45   Judy Mendenhall, High Point NC

May 13, 2019


Three trophies are awarded annually at the Gate City Sectional in Greensboro, each having it's own distinct requirements:

The Jefferson Trophy (Ken Anderson Jr. Trophy) is awarded to the Unit 169 resident who plays in all sessions of the tournament and wins the most points.  

The 7 No-Trump Bridge Award is awarded to the Greensboro player who is a regular club player and wins the most points at the Sectional.   This trophy cannot be won more than once by the same person. 

The Novice Bridge Award goes to the Greensboro player who is a regular club player, is a Non-Life Master with under 500 masterpoints, and wins the most points at the tournament in this restricted category.  

May 09, 2019


Through its Goodwill program award, the Unit recognizes individuals for their unselfish dedication to the causes of good conduct, worthy participation and ethical behavior.  

Our Unit's latest recipient is the quintessential volunteer Cindy Wright.  Our congratulations to Cindy, and our thanks for all she continues to do for our Unit..  Click HERE  to read more about Cindy.

Click HERE for a list of past and present Unit 169 Goodwill Ambassadors.

May 09, 2019


Here are two of the ongoing Events:

1.  Daytimes:  Introduction to Duplicate, and 0-50 Masterpoint Sanctioned Game

If you've ever played bridge of any format before, this game is for you!  Come with or without a playing partner; either way is fine.  Rich Peffer and Peter J. Boyd-Bowman (ACBL Certified Directors) will lead a weekly Newcomers game and introduction to duplicate, in the same venue as the regular Triad Bridge Club Open Game.  Included will be an orientation to duplicate, a mini-lesson on bidding conventions at the start, and relaxed-pace duplicate game – for Masterpoints! Also, coffee and healthy snacks with fellow newcomers. 


Date:  Every Monday

Time:  1:00 pm - 4:30 pm.  Please arrive by 12:45 at the latest.

Where:  Guilford College Methodist Church / "The Rock" game room.

Address:  1205 Fleming Road, Greensboro

Cost:  $8.00 per person


2. Night-times:  The Greensboro Bridge Meetup is for ANYONE who likes bridge, plays bridge, or wants to learn bridge!  Please join the Meetup site (link below) - and give one of our events a try!  The Meetup is on a short break from weekly play/teach sessions, while Rich recovers from foot surgery.  However, it is holding the following introductory beginner sessions at the same time/venue as a regular Open Wed. Evening Duplicate Game:


Date:  April 17, May 1 – and next date TBD

Time:  6:30 – 9:00 pm.  Please arrive by 6:15 pm at the latest.

Where:  Lewis Recreation Center

Address:  3110 Forest Lawn Dr., Greensboro

Cost:  $1.00 per person


For more information and to sign up to attend

Contact:   Rich Peffer / phone 336-402-5367 or Judy Hellen / phone 336-558-3613

Email Rich at or Judy at

sting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

April 11, 2020



Peter J. Boyd-Bowman dominated both the Atlanta Winter Sectional (January 17-20) and the Raleigh Sectional (Super Bowl weekend).

Wilmington Regional - February 11-17:  Peter J. Boyd-Bowman came in 32nd in the Top District 7 MP Winners.  There were several Top 50 finishers from B and C flights, including two Flight C players.  The leader led the group with 55.91 masterpoints (31st).  Next were teammates Robert Hale (49.84 points, 36th) David Idelman (49.84 points, 37th), Laura Norman, a Flight C player (48.50 points, 38th), and Fran Tewkesbury (48.90 points, 39th) including a win in evening Swiss.

March 14-17 - District 7's first Non-Life Master Regional in High Point, NC, turned out to be the largest such tournament in all of ACBL.  584 tables were in play at the four-day tournament for players under 750 MP.  The top 14 MP winners all came from North Carolina.  Concurrent with this was an Open Sectional, which had 203 tables, led by Jerry Helms and Bill Wisdom

Top MP Winners at High Point NLM Regional, March 14-17were


1.   27.74   Susan Williford, Clemmons NC
      27.74   Don Bosken, Thomasville NC

3.   20.47   Lena Zimmerman, Greensboro NC

4.   19.81   Nancy Sparks, Cary NC

      19.81   Michael Mendelsohn, Cary NC

6.   18.94   Trond Zimmerman, Greensboro NC

7.   18.18   Ephraim Kojen, Winston Salem NC

      18.18   Diane Lubeski, Advance NC

9.   16.53   Gail Bland, Winston Salem NC

      16.53   Elisabeth Culp, Winston Salem NC

11. 15.28   Ruth Collins, Greensboro NC

      15.28   Elliot Cramer, Chapel Hill NC

13. 13.07   Tim Stecker, Elon NC

14. 13.07   Sue Little, Raleigh NC

April 08, 2019


The Greensboro Sectional returns to the well-received Bur-Mil Clubhouse and Event Center, 5834 Bur-Mil Club Road, Greensboro NC 27410 the weekend of May 17-19, 2019.  We invite everyone to support Unit 169 by attending our second tournament of the year.  


Unit members are asked to provide snacks and treats for all three days.  These should be finger foods brought in disposable containers.  Brenda Garzia will be making many of the delicious homemade offerings she provides at our Unit games.  A monetary donation will help defray her costs and may be given to either Brenda or the director at your local club game. 


Beverages and Sunday donuts will be provided by Joe Tomlinson, Realtor at Berkshire Hathaway/Yost & Little Realty.  Joe is a Unit 169 member, and we appreciate his sponsorship!

Friday's games benefit the ACBL Grass Roots Fund and are regionally rated!  More silver points at no extra cost!  A $5 sandwich lunch will be available for purchase on Friday and Saturday.  All Swiss teams will enjoy a catered hot buffet on Sunday.

Bur-Mill Clubhouse is a no-smoking facility, and the Sectional is a Zero Tolerance tournament.  We expect common sense behavior and respect toward every person and toward the rules and ethics of the game.  Discourtesy must be avoided.  Players should treat the director, their partners and their opponents with respect.   For Unit 169's Zero Tolerance Policy, Click HERE


Additionally, players must also observe good habits of grooming and personal hygiene. Body odor, from any cause, should not create distractions. To accommodate sensitive individuals, players are discouraged from wearing or applying excessive amounts of perfume, cologne, scented lotions, or other scented products, including smoking materials, at games. 

For a schedule, Click HERE

March 29, 2019


Mary Leger, club Director and teacher, is offering bridge lessons on Defense beginning April 8, and Better Bidding beginning April 15.  These six-week courses will be held at the Lewis Recreation Center in Greensboro from 9:15 am untl 11:15 am.  Fees apply.

For more information about these courses, Click HERE

March 29, 2019


ACBL has published in the Bridge  Bulletin,  April, 2019, the national Top 25 in each category of the 2018 Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs and the Mini-McKenney masterpoint races winners.  What a wonderful showing for Unit 169 ... congratulations to all!

The Ace of Clubs contest is named in honor of Shanbrom from Tamarac FL who won her category 20 times.  Only masterpoints won at clubs are counted and excludes points won in STaC games or online.  The following are Unit 169 national winners:

     4th place - 0-20 category - Butch Johnson from High Point with 105 MPs

     14th place - 0-20 category - Douglas Mead from Winston-Salem with 68 MPs

     15th place - 50-100 category - Susan Williford from Clemmons with 126 MPs

     22nd place - 500-1000 category - Fran Tewkesbury from Greensboro with 187 MPs

     11th place - 1000-1500 category - George Haeseler from Greensboro with 249 MPs

     12th place - 2500-3000 category - David Idleman from Greensboro with 301 MPs

     17th place - 2500-3000 category - Bob Hale from Greensboro with 290 MPs

     4th place - 3500-5000 category - Frank Burgess from Winston-Salem with 414 MPs

The Mini-McKenney contest is named for former ACBL chief William McKenney and recognizes the ACBL members who win the most points during a calendar year.  Players are placed in a category based solely on the number of masterpoints they had at the beginning of the year.  The following are Unit 169 national winners:

     10th place - 5-20 category - Butch Johnson from High Point with 124 MPs

     15th place - 50-100 category - Susan Mann from Winston-Salem with 162 MPs

     4th place - 100-200 category - Ron Caudle from Salisbury with 255 MPs

     10th place - 100-200 category - Gail Bland from Winston-Salem with 213 MPs

     20th place - 500-1000 category - Fran Tewkesbery from Greensboro with 369 MPs

     5th place - 5000-7500 category - Peter J. Boyd-Bowman from Greensboro with 1,131 MPs

         Peter also earned 12th place for Points Earned at Sectionals Only with 315 MPs.

March 19, 2019


A new game will start Monday, March 25 at 1:00 pm at the Guilford College United Methodist Church, 1205 Fleming Road in Greensboro.  Please arrive at least 15 minutes ahead of the schedule start time.


Director, Rich Peffer, will lead a newcomers game and introduction to duplicate bridge for players with 0-20 masterpoints.  The afternoon will include an orientation to duplicate, supervised play of hands, and a review of the optimal bidding/play of some interesting bridge hands.  The first two session are for learning, and masterpoints will be awarded to those who do well after the third session. 

This will be a regular, weekly game with a relaxed pace of play and directing.  The game will cost $5 to pay for the room rental and other Director costs. Coffee and healthy snacks will be complimentary.   Come with or without a playing partner.  

Note that this newcomer game occurs at the same time and place as the regular Open Duplicate Bridge Game, but is being held in a completely separate room (The Rock) and is a completely separate event. 


Feel free to email Rich at, or call Rich at 336-402-5367 with any questions.  You may also contact Judy Hellen at 336-558-3613.  To RSVP using the Meetup Site, Click HERE

March 18, 2019


The Unit expresses gratitude for all the hard work our committee volunteers did before, during and after the Piedmont Triad NLM Regional and the High Point Sectional held March 14-17, 2019.  

Volunteers are the backbone of the CCBA and we couldn't have stood up to the challenge of sponsoring these two tournaments without your help.  For a list of committee and volunteers, Click HERE

We would also like to thank High Point University, the Red Lion Hotel, the Convention and Visitors' Center of High Point, tournament directors Jay & Darlene Bates and Marie Killoran, our special guest speaker Jerry Helms, Kelly Harville for kitchen management, Harold for facility operation, Above & Beyond Catering, Party Rentals by Lisa, .

March 18, 2019


St. Patrick's Day marked the festive culmination of the 4-day Piedmont Triad NLM Regional and the simultaneously-run Furniture City Sectional from Thursday, March 14 thru Sunday, March 17, 2019 at the High Point University Community Center in High Point, NC.  Numbers for the Regional were a staggering 584 tables.  Including the Sectional, the combined table count reached 787 tables.


After more than a year of analysis and projections by then Unit 169 Treasurer Bob Hale, and co-chairmen Cindy Wright and Claudia Hale, no one ever imagined the overwhelming turnout. Mary Leger did an outstanding job as Partnership Chairman matching up pairs and teams.

Attendees played in a comfortable venue and enjoyed a catered luncheon each day, in addition to the complimentary snacks and beverages served during all sessions.  The non-life masters especially enjoyed guest speaker Jerry Helms, who gave a lesson  on Friday and Saturday. 

"A house is only as strong as it's foundation," and we are thankful for our Unit 169 volunteers who formed the base of our event."  

Unit 169 Masterpoint Winners for the NLM Regional in the Top 10 Overall were:

1.   27.74  Susan Williford, Clemmons NC 
2.   27.74  Donald Bosken, Thomasville NC
3.   20.47  Lena Zimmerman, Greensboro NC
6.   18.94  Trond Zimmerman, Greensboro NC
7.   18.18  Ephraim Kojen, Winston Salem NC
8.   18.18  Dianne Lubeski, Advance NC
9.   16.53  Gail Bland, Winston Salem NC

10. 16.53  Elisabeth Culp, Winston Salem NC
11. 15.28  Ruth Collins, Greensboro NC

12. 13.07  Tim Stecker, Elon NC

For all NLM Regional results, Click HERE

Unit 169 Masterpoint Winners for the Furniture City Sectional in the Top 10 Overall were:

2.   63.79  Bill Wisdom

3.   52.58  Peter J Boyd-Bowman, Greensboro NC
5.   48.06  David Idleman, Greensboro NC
6.   37.56  Sue Cooper, Advance NC
9.   32.66  Catherine McLeod, Eden NC
10. 32.66  Bruce Southard, Greensboro NC
11. 26.88  Dan Fowler, Salisbury NC
12  26.05  Eric Peffer, Greensboro NC
13. 23.84  Dwight Meredith, Greensboro NC
14. 23.00  Tom May, Greensboro NC
15  23.00  Roger Heimke, Greensboro NC
For all Furniture City Sectional results, Click HERE

March 11, 2019


We encourage all non-life master players with less than 750 masterpoints to attend District 7's first Non-Life Master Regional.  What could be more special than to earn gold at a local Regional just for you!  Non-life masters may elect to and are welcome to play in the High Point Sectional, which awards silver masterpoints.  


These are two separate tournaments held on the same days, same times, in the same location:  the High Point University Community Center, 921 Eastchester Drive, Suite 1230, in High Point.  Please note that only Thursday's sessions have an 11:00 am and 3:30 pm start times. 


Thursday's Sectional games benefit charity and pay out more silver masterpoints at no extra cost.  The Unit will be providing a FREE hotdog lunch for all players on Thursday.  A sandwich lunch will be available to purchase for $5 on Friday and Saturday.  Swiss players on Sunday will enjoy a catered hot buffet luncheon.


Jerry Helms, teacher - author - analyst - expert player, will be our guest speaker and provide an afternoon lesson on Friday and Saturday.  To read more about Jerry, Click HERE

This is a huge undertaking for Unit 169 and we appreciate every one of you for your support. 

For a Regional flyer, Click HERE

For a Sectional flyer, Click HERE

March 11, 2019


The website's Member Directory information is for the sole use of members of Central Carolina Bridge Association in connection with duplicate bridge activities.   This information is obtained directly from ACBL.  Your ACBL membership must be paid to maintain your active status and have your information listed in the Directory.   Please forward any corrections to ACBL via email to (including your member number).

February 18, 2019


Once again, Unit 169 members made us proud at the recent Cape Fear Regional in Wilmington NC.  The tournament drew 1,609 tables.  10,153.03 masterpoints were earned by 828 players.  In the Top 50 were:

Peter J. Boyd-Bowman - 53.60 Masterpoints

Bob Hale - 49.84 Masterpoints

David Idleman - 49.84 Masterpoints

Laura Nornan - 48.90 Masterpoints

Fran Tewkesbury - 48.90 Masterpoints

Congratulations to all players for a job well done!   For a list of all masterpoint winners, Click HERE

February 07, 2019


Results are in for the ACBL 2018 Masterpoint Races.  Unit 169 members amassed a significant number of points in their categories in the Ace of Clubs, Mini-McKenney, and Online races for District 7.  Congratulations to all players!  Further recognition for all categories and awards will be presented at the March 2 Unit Championship Game in Greensboro.  For results pertinent to Unit 169, Click HERE


1st Place Mini-McKenney winners in District 7 by Unit 169 members in the following categories:

5-20  - Butch Johnson from High Point - 123.59 MPs 

100-200 - Ron Caudle from Salisbury - 255.39 MPs

5000-7500 - Peter J. Boyd-Bowman - Greensboro - 1,131.14 MPs

For an ACBL list of all 2018 Mini-McKenney standings for Unit 169, Click HERE

For an ACBL list of all 2018 Mini-McKenney standings for all Units in District 7, Click HERE

1st Place Ace of Clubs winners in District 7 by Unit 169 members in their category: 

5-20 - Butch Johnson from High Point - 104.56 MPs

For an ACBL list of all 2018 Ace of Clubs standings for Unit 169, Click HERE

For an ACBL list of all 2018 Ace of Clubs standings for District 7, Click HERE

Unit 169 On-Line Points Leader:

Cathy McLeod - 365.40 MPs

February 05, 2019


ACBL has awarded Unit 169 the first-ever Non-Life Master Regional in District 7 March 14-17, 2019.   We are very excited to be the host of this inaugural event.  The chairmen, Cindy Wright and Claudia Hale, along with Bob Hale, the Board of Directors and the District, has worked extremely hard for over a year to make this happen.  As you know, the Regional runs the same days and times as the High Point Furniture City Sectional, making this an even more challenging event to organize.  The Regional is our "baby" … and as you know, "it takes a village ...."  And now we need your help.

Our Unit is known for its hospitality.  We are asking for contributions each day of appetizer/finger-foods and snacks brought in disposable containers.  Some suggestions are:  deviled eggs, brownies, cookies, cheese/spreads/dips and crackers, cut-up fruit, sliced tea breads, etc. 


Club directors are asked to make announcements and promote the tournaments.  An envelope will be passed at all club games in case you would prefer to make a monetary donation.  Money collected should be turned in to either Cindy or Claudia.

Additionally, volunteers are needed for table and chair set-up on Wednesday, March 13 at 3:30 pm and 5:00 pm, on Thursday, March 14 at 8:00 am, and on Sunday, March 17 for tear-down.  You may also be approached by committee chairmen to help in other areas during the tournament.

If you have any questions, or need information on where your time is most needed, please contact either Cindy or Claudia.

February 05, 2019


The 4-day Piedmont Triad Non-Life Master Regional and the High Point Furniture City Sectional will run concurrently on the same days, the same times, and the same venue at the High Point University Community Center, 921 Eastchester Drive, Suite 1230, High Point NC, from Thursday, March 14 thru Sunday, March 17, 2019.

For a combined, comprehensive flyer, Click HERE

January 30, 2019


Unit 169 is asking for volunteers to fill the following Board of Directors' positions:


Current President - Debbie Monroe, term expiring July, 2019

Current Vice President - Kent Leggett, term expiring July, 2019

Current 2nd Vice President - Cindy Wright, term expiring July, 2019


Also expiring in July are five advisory Board positions.  All of these are two-year positions expiring July, 2021.  If you have questions and are interested in serving your Unit in any of these capacities, please email Dixie Culver at or call her at 336-288-7578

January 27, 2019


Announcing Unit 169 Mentoring Season


During mentoring season, non-life master players can partner with a mentor to receive bridge tips based on your personal needs. It is an opportunity for the unit to welcome and help develop our newer members. For more information, Click HERE.


It's time to match up partnerships. To request a mentor, to volunteer to mentor or to register a partnership already set up, please call or text Judy Hellen at 336-588-3613 or email her at

January 21, 2019


The 1st quarter 2019  "District 7 News" is now online.  To read, Click HERE 


This and future issues will still be printed and be present at many tournaments and will be mailed to those who have opted in by completing the appropriate section on this form.  If you have already completed the form, please do not do it again. For form, Click HERE 

January 20, 2019


ACBL provides our Unit's Secretary-Treasurer with a monthly report, after which our online Directory is brought up-to-date.  Please make sure your ACBL dues are paid as this affects your listing. 


In order to keep our Directory accurate, we are asking you to check your listing for any additions or corrections and email them to  ... be sure to include your member number!  

If you prefer any of your information to remain private, email the Webmaster at and it will be marked Confidential on our Directory.

January 15, 2019


Rich Peffer will be directing the new Piedmont Bridge Club on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 10:00 pm at the Lewis Recreation Center, 3110 Forest Lawn Drive in Greensboro (previously Peter Boyd-Bowman's Wednesday evening game).  We hope you can come out some time soon and join in the fun.  It is an open game (all  levels), but the atmosphere is relaxed and friendly, though competitive, and so all levels of players are welcome.  If you haven't played at night in a while, please come by and check out what's new.  if you need a partner, feel free to give Rich an email or a call.

January 05, 2019


The North Charleston Regional was held December 27, 2018 thru January 2, 2019, and the results are in!  13,034.50 masterpoints were earned by 924 players.  The tournament drew 1,919 tables.

Congratulations to our Unit members who placed in the Top 100.  For all results, Click HERE

#6    Peter Boyd-Bowman - Greensboro - 114.74 masterpoints

#32  Bill Wisdom - Salisbury - 60.54 masterpoints

#98  Martha and Mark Meyer - Winston-Salem - 30.44 masterpoints

January 04, 2019


We are pleased to announce that Cindy Wright was selected by Bob Heller, President of the ACBL as a lifetime member of the ACBL Charity Committee.  Cindy joins Claudia and Bob Hale as members of this prestigious Committee.


As we all know Cindy has made numerous contributions over the years to Unit 169, including chairing one of our most successful annual tournaments, starting a non-life master game in Winston Salem and greatly increasing our Unit’s membership as a result, and raising thousands of dollars for local and national charities. 


Congratulations Cindy.


We are all very proud to have Cindy Wright as a member of Unit 169.

January 04, 2019


The search begins for the Unit 169 "Player of the Year."  This could be you!


The Unit 169 "Player of the Year" will be awarded based on the number of master points earned at our Saturday Unit Games and at our four Sectional/Regional tournaments (High Point, Greensboro, Winston Salem and Salisbury).  The person with the most master points at the end of the year wins our Unit’s most prestigious "Player of the Year."


In order to win you have to be a member of Unit 169 and play in at least 4 Unit Games.


Tim Stecker, Board Member, will serve as our official statistician.  Tim will post regular updates to our website showing the current Leader Board.  The award will be presented at the Unit’s annual award ceremony in early 2010.


These are the Top 10 masterpoint winners as of our first game of the year on January 5:

4.67   J Timothy Laverty Jr

4.67   Tim Stecker4.67

3.50   Nancy Osborne

3.50   Rebecca Santago

2.63   Jean Leggett

2.63   Kent Leggett

1.97   Ronald Caudle

1.97   John Fite

1.53   John Alford

1.53   John Barnes

January 02, 2019


District 7's first-ever Non-Life Master Regional tournament has been awarded to Unit 169.  The Piedmont Triad NLM Regional event will take place in High Point on March 14 thru 17, 2019.  Every session will present the opportunity to earn red or gold masterpoints!  


Click HERE  to read how masterpoints are awarded by the ACBL

Click HERE for requirements by rank for those who joined before January 1, 2010

Click HERE for requirements by rank for those who joined or reinstated after January 1, 2010


January 01, 2019


Many good things will be happening this year.  We hope you'll come out to play bridge and support Unit 169.

  • Maximized point payouts for twice-monthly Unit games.  For calendar, Click here

  • Host to the first-ever District 7 NLM Regional March 14-17.  For flyer, Click here

  • Host to four Sectional tournaments.  For information, Click here

  • STaC games (Sectional Tournaments at Clubs)

  • GNT qualifiers (Grand National Teams)

  • NAP qualifiers (North American Pairs)

  • Mentor-Mentee program with special game

  • World-wide Bridge Contest

  • Eight-is-Enough Team game

  • Jane Johnson Pairs and Teams games

  • Support of ACBL and Unit charities at special games

  • Alzheimers' Fundraiser

  • 2018 Awards program

  • … and MORE!

December 26, 2018


Photo albums have been added to the website.  You can find the category in the green navigation bar at the top of the Home Page.  Click on "Photos" and you will be taken to a new page featuring photo albums created from pictures taken at Unit 169 events.  Select the album.  Then click on the "View Album" button to view.  Albums with a large number of photos may need a little more time to upload.  

Since this is new, there may be kinks your webmaster will have to overcome.  I hope you enjoy this feature.

December 19, 2018


Bridge players raised $1,340.00 for Greensboro's Urban Ministry, and $550.50 for the Happy Hills Animal Foundation from the Silent Auction held at the Queen of Hearts Club game in Greensboro on Wednesday, December 19.  Thank you for your generosity!

Santa made an appearance at the game, and his many helpers worked diligently to provide a fun afternoon with food, desserts, beverages, caroling, and an original holiday poem, along with the Silent Auction. We all thank the committee for putting on a very enjoyable party, and to everyone who donated to the event.

November 27, 2018


An Attitude of Gratitude is collecting gently used purses and pocketbooks for homeless women.  The non-profit hopes to fill the purses with feminine items and distribute them among homeless women .  Needed items include cotton swabs, soap, facial wipes, deodorant, underwear, socks, lip balm, toothbrushes, toothpaste, lotion, sanitizer, nail files, feminine hygiene items, facial tissues and combs.


The donated items are being collected by Becky Smith and Janet McCall at Monday and Wednesday bridge, or you may deliver the items to their homes.  Please contact Becky or Janet for more information.

November 26, 2018


The  Burlington-Alamance Bridge Club invites you to their annual holiday party on Monday, December 17 at the Kernoodle Senior Center, 1535 S. Mebane Street in Burlington. 


The Club will be providing a ham and ask those attending to bring a side dish or dessert to share.  Dinner will be served at 5:00 pm.  The game begins at 6:00 pm.

November 19, 2018



You are invited to the annual Queen of Clubs' Holiday Party on Wednesday, December 19, at the Lewis Recreation Center, 3110 Forest Lawn Drive in Greensboro.  Please bring your delicious "covered dish" by 11:45 am, so we can start eating at Noon.

Also, please give a new or gently-used unwrapped item for our Silent Auction to either Avery Lloyd, Cecelia Ray, or Mary Leger before the 19th.  Last year, some of the most sought after items were games to be played with "A" players.

We look forward to seeing everyone on December 19.

November 19, 2018


Congratulations to Peter J. Boyd-Bowman for coming in 4th in Flight A for the NAP qualifier held in Spartanburg on November 17. 

Subsidies are awarded to NABC qualifiers who place in positions 1 thru 4.  Peter and his partner, Alex Hudson,  will receive a total of  $900 per person to attend the finals (after providing proof of NABC NAP event participation) in Memphis, Tennessee, March 21-31, 2019

November 05, 2018


Thank you to everyone who supported the High Point Sectional this past weekend.  The tournament set a new attendance record of 233 tables. or 2% over last year.  244 players earned 1053.30 master points.

The new venue (High Point University Community Center) received rave reviews and will be the site of the upcoming High Point Sectional and Piedmont Triad NLM Regional the weekend of March 14-17, 2019.

Congratulations to Bob Hale and Josh Hoffman who earned 28.54 masterpoints for the three days … top winners for our Unit.  John Barnes, John Alford, John Kimel, Rhett Inabinet won the Open Swiss Teams on Sunday.

October 29, 2018


The Charlotte Regional was held the week of October 22 drawing 2,527 tables.  1,282 players won a total of 15,191.42 masterpoints.   For results, Click HERE

The following members of Unit 169 placed in the Top 100 at the tournament.  Congratulations to all!

#15   Bill Wisdom - 91.62 masterpoints

#42   Peter J. Boyd-Bowman - 54.41 masterpoints

#46   John Kimel - 53.62 masterpoints

#60   Rhett Inabinet - 45.13 masterpoints

#68   Ron Caudle - 43.27 masterpoints

#73   Dan Fowler - 42.07 masterpoints

#84   Susan Wesley - 36.82 masterpoints

#100 Marty Friedman - 30.50 masterpoints

October 20, 2018


Thank you for attending the Unit Game in Winston-Salem on Saturday, October 20.


The next Unit Game will be the rescheduled 8-IS-ENOUGH TEAM GAME at the Lewis Center, 3110 Forest Lawn Drive in Greensboro, on Saturday, November 10 … game time 1:00 pm.   Please arrive at 12:30 pm for table assignments and organization.  This annual team game is a fun and exciting way to form teams of various bridge experiences for this one-time event.

Please send your team rosters asap to Gloria Halstead  by email to or call 202-213-5672.  Gloria will direct this game and needs this information to properly plan and set up the event.  We will use the ACBL point count as of October 7, 2018.


Please mark your calendars and plan on participating in this unique bridge event. 

For further details, Click HERE


October 11, 2018


After many years of chairing the Morganton Sectionals, Eldon Clayman has retired from that position.  We congratulate him on building these tournaments into very popular and well-attended functions and wish Eldon and Unit 244 best wishes in the upcoming years.

For results of the Morganton Sectional, Click HERE

For an article on Eldon ("Mr. Friendly"), Click HERE

October 11, 2018


Unit 169 has 803 members, according to the latest report from ACBL ending September 30, 2018, making us #1 in the District 7 and 15th overall!  We are also #1 in the District for new member gains!


Members can play duplicate in any one of the 22 club games in our area, as well as in any of four annual Unit-sponsored Sectional tournaments, the inaugural Non-Life Master Regional coming in 2019, and two monthly local Unit games,  Thank you for supporting our Unit!

For a tally of membership by rank, Click HERE

September 16, 2018


Judy Hellen, an ACBL certified teacher and life master, is teaching a four-session course on Basic Competitive Bidding.  This course is appropriate for newer players, as well as players familiar with the game and are seeking to improve or update their skills using modern bidding techniques.

Lessons will be held Thursday, October 11, 18, November 1 and 8 from 9:45 - 11:45 am at the Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 2005 New Garden Road, Greensboro.  Cost includes lessons and textbook.  Reserve your spot today by contacting Judy Hellen at 


For more information, Click HERE

September 13, 2018


Unit 169's fourth Sectional of the year takes place the weekend of November 2 in a fabulous new location. the High Point University Community Center, 921 Eastchester Drive, Suite 1230 (in the old Oak Hollow Mall).  Game times are 10:00 am and 2:30 pm.  

Several requests have been made to Tom Skarr, Partnership Chairman, for team mates for the Sunday Swiss.  If you need a partner or team, please contact Tom.

*  ACBL Grass Roots Fund Day, Friday, November 2.  More silver points at no extra cost!

*  Stratified Open and 499er Pairs games Friday and Saturday, November 2 and 3.

*  Stratified Open and 499er Swiss Teams on Sunday, November 4.

*  Life Masters may play in 499er Pairs and 499er Swiss, but must have less than 500 MPs.

For details about the tournament Click HERE

August 26, 2018


It's a wrap!  August 24-26 was a perfect weekend for bridge at the Winston-Salem Summer Sectional.  Attendance was up for all sessions in all sections and drew a record 312 tables.  Thank you to Cindy Wright, Chairman, and her team for making this the highest attended tournament ever for our Unit.

1,403.02 master points were won by 293 players.  Bob Hale led the pack with 35.37 MPs.  Those finishing the weekend with 30 master points or more were:  Bill Wisdom (32.97), Bill Peabody (32.46), Cathy McLeod (32.46), Tom May (30.99), Roger Heimke (30.99), and Dan Fowler (30.27).

For tournament overalls, Click HERE.   For the overall masterpoint list,  Click HERE

August 18, 2018


Beginning the first week in September, Peter J. Boyd-Bowman will be conducting three levels of bridge lessons.  For newcomers, you will "Learn to Play Bridge!"  For advanced beginners and intermediate players, Peter will be teaching "Planning the Play 1: Useful Techniques."  And for advanced and expert players, there will be the "Master Series: The Weak No Trump--How to Play It, How to Defend Against It."

Click HERE for detailed descriptions of the classes, dates & times, costs, and contact information. 

August 18, 2018


CCBA sincerely thanks the following outgoing board members for their dedication to the Unit:  Dick Brisbin, Betty Crockett, Bob Hale and Joann McClusky.

The Unit welcomes its new board members: Dixie Culver, Carol Elkins-Bachl, Claudia Hale, John Lamanna, Kathryn Morris and Tim Stecker whose terms expire July, 2020.

For the complete list of the governance team, Click HERE.

August 14, 2018


There will be three different bridge classes taught by Mary Leger at the Lewis Recreation Center starting the week of September 10th;


"Bidding in the 21st Century" will meet on Mondays from 9:15 - 11:15 am.  This class covers opening bids and responses, rebids and responses,  notrump bidding with the Stayman convention, overcalls, cue-bidding and takeout doubles.  If you are new to bridge or haven't played for a long time, start here.


"Play of the Hand" will meet Wednesday mornings starting September 12 from 9:15 - 11:15 am. This class covers planning how you will make your bid, promoting winners, establishing long suits, taking finesses, ruffing losers in the dummy, using extra winners in the dummy, as well as strong opening bids, Jacoby transfers and slam bidding,  If you are comfortable with your bidding, this is the next class you should take.


"Two-Over-One" is not for beginners.  It will meet Thursdays starting September 13 from 9:15 - 11:15 am.   This class covers 2-over-1 bidding, one notrump forcing, Bergen raises, Jacoby 2-notrump, splinters, bidding controls, and Roman Keycard.


Once you have decided which class is right for you, send a $150 check to Mary Leger, 29 Nandina Dr., Greensboro NC 27455 to register.  The cost covers the class, handout materials and a textbook.   If you have questions, call Mary at 336-327-6357.

August 14, 2018


Our "native son," Peter J. Boyd-Bowman did Unit 169 proud at the recent 2018 Summer NABC tournament held in Atlanta, Georgia July 25 thru August 5.  Peter earned 150.51 master points and the only North Carolina player to place in the Top 50 Master Point Winners.  The tournament drew 11,269 tables with 4,474 players earning 99,517.62 master points.  For complete results, Click HERE

August 02, 2018


Judy Hellen, an ACBL certified teacher and life master, is offering two courses starting in late August. Each course will meet weekly.

  • "Bridge Basics" starts August 30 for four weeks  Click HERE

  • "Play of a Notrump Contract" starts August 29 for six weeks.  Click HERE

For more information on these or other courses, contact Judy at

July 28, 2018


CCBA sincerely thanks the following outgoing board members for their dedication to the Unit:  Dick Brisbin, Betty Crockett, Bob Hale and Joann McClusky.

The Unit welcomes its new board members: Dixie Culver, Carol Elkins-Bachl, Claudia Hale, John Lamanna, Kathryn Morris and Tim Stecker whose terms expire July, 2020.

For the complete list of the governance team, Click HERE.

July 15, 2018


Unit 169's third Sectional of the year ends the summer and begins Friday, August 24 and runs through Sunday, August 26 and is held at the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds in the Home & Garden Center Building in Gate 9.


Friday's games support the ACBL Education Fund.  You can earn more silver points at no extra charge.  Sunday's 2-session Swiss Team event includes a lunch for all players. 


If you need a partner or team, please contact Susan Wesley at 336-407-4600 or email her at  For further information, Click HERE.

July 05, 2018


​Zoo City Bridge Club has joined the Unit 169 lineup.  The new game will be held every Wednesday at 1:00 pm. beginning July 11 at the Randolph County Senior Adults Association, 347 West Salisbury Street, Asheboro NC 27203.  Rick Morgan is the director and can be reached at 336-465-0685 or  The game is limited to players under 499 master points.  . 

July 04, 2018


The latest quarterly report on membership was issued by ACBL and Unit 169 was first in the District in:

  • Active membership trend (up 7.6% for the last 12 months)

  • New membership gains (up 11.9% for the last 12 months)

  • Member losses (only 4.3% for the last 12 months)

  • New member retention (68.0% for the last 24 months)

This is a great report and is the result of on-going efforts by many of our members.  Thank you to all who contributed to this result!

July 02, 2018


ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint Game is Monday afternoon, July 9.  Local clubs participating in this event are the Happy Hearts Bridge Club in Winston-Salem, and the Triad Bridge Club in Greensboro. 


Section tops in both directions each earn 1 gold point.  Remaining points earn red/black points at 81.8% Sectional Rating.  Overall Awards: 1st, 20; depth of awards 10 places.  District Winners:1st, 10; depth of awards, 5 places.  Winners will be recognized on the ACBL website and in the Bridge Bulletin.  Hand records and analyses provided digitally  See your score instantly after each deal played!


After the game, come back to view hand records, printed analysis of all 36 deals and video analysis of 10 selected deals.  Watch breakdowns of the most interesting deals.  Bridge power couple Daniel Korbel and Sylvia Shi will discuss their 10 favorite deals in special videos after the game. Tune in to see them analyze the hands and sometimes spar over tricks.

For more information about this special event, Click HERE

July 01, 2018


The Unit held an  Alzheimer's fund-raiser Unit game on June 30 at the Georgia Taylor Recreation Center in  Winston-Salem.  The Unit did not charge an entry fee for the game, but took donations for Alzheimer's primarily through a raffle, a silent auction, and a donation by Bob Hale and his siblings for every table that attended.  Members of the Unit were extremely generous and we have raised $6,566 in donations to-date!  Thank you!

Wayne Sykes and  Danny Barnes were the lucky winners in the raffle.  Wayne won 10 free plays to the Unit games, as well as a portable picnic table.   Danny won 10 free plays to District 7 tournaments, as well as a portable sports couch.  Congratulations to Wayne and Danny!

In the silent auction, Betty Crocket, Mark Meyer, Cecily Murray and Susan Williford were the high bidders for a game with one (or more) of our premier players.  Many thanks to Peter J. Boyd-Bowman, Sue Cooper, Dan Fowler, Cathy McLeod, Bruce Southard, and Bill Wisdom who agreed to donate a game for Alzheimer's.

The game was attended by 21.5 tables.  Kathie Dwyer and Fran Tewkesbury won overall with a 66.95%, earning 6.00 master points.  Eric and Rich Peffer won the overall in Flight B, and Anne McKiernan and Ann Paschold won Flight C overall.

Please come and join us for our next Unit game this Saturday, July 7, at the Lewis Recreation Center in Greensboro.  The game will be a North American Pairs Qualifier with an 81.8% Sectional rating.

Thanks again to all that participated, or otherwise contributed, to the Alzheimer's fund raiser.

June 23, 2018


The Partnership Desk will be removed from the website on June 30.  Use of this feature has been minimal.  We thank those few who have used the site.  Henceforth, if you need a partner or team for a club or Unit game, or tournament, we suggest you contact the club Director, or Partnership Chairman of the tournament.

June 19, 2018


Unfortunately, we had a "fouled board" situation at the Gate City Sectional.  One 499er section played the wrong boards in the first three rounds Saturday afternoon.  This triggered a "fouled board" situation, which was handled in accordance with ACBL rules and regulations. 


We apologize for this occurence.  For a further explanation as detailed in an email from the Sectional Chairman to the two affected players, Click HERE.

The opportunity for for this specific mistake occurred because the Unit is now paying extra to have pre-made boards at our Sectionals (instead of having the players make the boards before each game).  This facilitates an earlier start to actual play and allows the second game to start earlier.  It does, however, result in many more sets of boards sitting around, which increases the chance for the wrong boards being used.  

Regardless, the mistake should not have occurred, and we apologize.

June 18, 2018


​Thank you for participating in the Gate City Greensboro Sectional June 15-17.  Even though it was Father's Day weekend, we had a packed house in our new facility, the Bur-Mil Clubhouse & Event Center in Guilford County's Bur-Mil Park.  Bur-Mil was very well received and will be a great venue for our future Sectionals.

The Jefferson/Ken Anderson Trophy was won by Bruce Southard and David Idleman who earned 32.16 master points.  Congratulations Bruce and David!  Others receiving over 20 master points were Tom May, Roger Heimke and Josh Hoffman.  

Big games:  Joanne McClusky & Tim Laverty - 71.11% - Saturday AM Open Pairs

Dave Soter & Dixie Culver - 74.70% - Saturday Aft 499er Pairs

Our sincere thanks to our Co-Chairs Marcy Maury and Tom Skaar who, with their team, worked so hard to make this such a successful tournament.  For a list of contributors, Click HERE

We are especially grateful to Joe Tomlinson of Berkshire Hathaway / Yost & Little Home Services for sponsoring all beverages and Sunday's donuts.  Thank you!  He's "Not Your Average Joe!

For results and all master point winners, Click HERE

Your feedback about this and future tournaments is appreciated.  Please send your comments to  Next year's Gate City Sectional will be the weekend of May 17-19, 2019

June 10, 2018


​The Jefferson Trophy is awarded to the Unit 169 member who plays in all sessions of the Greensboro Sectional  tournament and wins the most points.  This trophy is dedicated to the memory of Ken Anderson who won the trophy 27 times since it's inception in 1963. 


This year's winners are Bruce Southard and David Idleman who earned 32.16 master points!  Congratulations, Bruce and David for a job well done!


For the list of past winners,  Click HERE

June 10, 2018


​Thank you for attending the June 2 Unit's Worldwide Bridge Contest.  The event drew 17 tables.  Steve Tyer and Danny Barnes were the overall winners playing in Section B, North-South.  They earned 2.53 red and 2.53 black master points with a 64.49% score.

The next Unit game is Saturday, June 30 at the Georgia Taylor Recreation Center in Winston-Salem and is a FREE charity game (extra points).  Let's have a BIG turnout for our 4th annual Unit 169 Alzheimer’s fund-raiser!  In lieu of an entry fee, we will accept donations for the Alzheimer’s Association.  You do not need to donate in order to play in the game.

It is estimated that 5.7 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s, with an annual cost of $277 billion.  By 2050, this is expected to grow to 14 million Americans with a cost of $1.1 trillion.  One in three of us will develop some form of dementia before we die.  This is a very cruel, progressive disease that is increasing and affects everyone close to the person impacted.  To see some staggering statistics on this disease, Click HERE

You will also be able to donate by participating two different programs: (1) a raffle, and (2) a silent auction to play with one of our premier players.  Click here to learn more about these programs, Click HERE

Last year members of Unit 169 and the Unit itself donated $3,944.  We have raised over $11,000 in the last three years.  Our goal is to raise over $5,000 this year.  Our Secretary-Treasurer has been directly affected by Alzheimer’s and has pledged $20 per table, up to a personal donation of $500.  In addition, his siblings have pledged to make a donation for every table that participates in this game.  Please join us in supporting the fight against Alzheimer's disease.

As well as the Unit, several clubs will be running special games the week of June 18 in support of this very worthy cause.  Please check with your local directors and support their games as well.

June 01, 2018


​In the early days of contract bridge, African-Americans were excluded from most major tournaments. In 1932, a group of African-American tennis players at Buckroe Beach, Virginia, decided to foster and promote duplicate bridge among African-Americans. They established a national organization and made contact with other similar groups around the country. The final result was the founding of the American Bridge Association by Dr. M.E. DuBissette, who was president from 1932 to 1935.  To read more, Click HERE

April 18, 2018


You've asked for it!  The CCBA website now has a Partnership Desk page where you can create a post and let Unit 169 bridge players know you need a partner for a club game or upcoming event,.  This page is password protected and the password is case-sensitive.  You must also create a membership profile before you post to the Partnership Desk page.  For more information and instruction on how to use the Partnership Desk, Click HERE.

This feature is in trial mode, so please be patient as there are bound to be bumps and glitches at the start.

May 28, 2018


The Tarheel Regional Tournament was held May 22 thru 28 in Raleigh.  14,132.37 master points were won by 1,122 players.  The event drew 2,142 tables.  

Unit 169 members came out strong with 42 players earning 10+ master points, for a total of 1,115.23 MPs.  Peter J. Boyd-Bowman lead the pack with 78.06, and Bill Wisdom followed closely with 74.78 master points earned.  Congratulations to all.

For ACBL tournament results, Click HERE

For Unit 169 first-place winners in events, Click HERE

For Unit 169 master point winners, Click HERE

May 12, 2018


​It’s the event played around the world!  Join us for the Worldwide Bridge Contest sponsored by the World Bridge Federation (WBF). This international competition is scored across the world using the Internet to give an overall winner. The game has a Sectional rating of 81.8% and pays 50% red and 50% black masterpoints.  Each participant will receive a booklet of hand records and analyses. The top ACBL winners will be recognized on the ACBL website and the Bridge Bulletin.  The WBF will award prizes based on world matchpointing. The two top district winners by percentage receive bonus awards. Additional recognition comes from the WBF.

May 01, 2018


Congratulations to Louise Wells for becoming Unit 169's newest Life Master.  For a list of others who have moved up in rank, Click HERE.

April 29, 2018


​The 2018 Mentoring Program came to an end at the April 28 Mentor-Mentee Unit Game. Twenty tables  enjoyed an afternoon of free bridge and delicious food provided by the Mentees.  Overall winners were Rich Peffer & Debbie Elston (65.70%, Suzanne Rhodes & Bob Hale (64.37%) and Frank Burgess & Don Bosken (64.06%).  For complete results, Click HERE.  


In addition, the Unit will continue it's coaching program for year-round mentoring.  To find out more about the Mentoring Program, Click HERE

April 24, 2018


The Gatlinburg Regional hosted 8,109 tables.  3,242 players earned a total of 54,629 masterpoints.   To access  all results from the tournament on the ACBL website, Click HERE.

Unit 169 was well-represented.  For a breakdown of our players earning 30 or more masterpoints, big games, and those who placed first in specific events, Click HERE.

April 15, 2018


Unit 169 is seeking applicants for two positions (with compensation) effective July of this year: Unit Director and Unit Secretary-Treasurer:

For details on the Unit Director position,  Click HERE.  

For details on the Unit Secretary-Treasurer position, Cllck HERE.

If you have interest in either position, please contact Debbie Monroe. Applicants should make their interest known no later than June 1.

April 14, 2018


FREE!  Our next Unit game will be our annual Mentor-Mentee / Unit Championship game held Saturday, April 28 at the Georgia Taylor Recreation Center, 1471 W. Clemmonsville Road in Winston-Salem.. This game has a Sectional rating of 63.6% and pays out black points.

Please email your teams to Cindy Wright at as soon as possible.


Mentees are asked to provide snacks and treats for the event.  The Unit will provide coffee and beverages.  Please arrive at least 15 minutes to set-up the food table.  All others are asked to arrive at least 10 minutes before the 1:00 pm start time.

April 10, 2018


​We all know Tim Laverty as an accomplished bridge player and Director of three club games in Burlington.  But did you know he has quite a "checkered" past?  Tim is also a national and international checker champion!  Tim leaves April 19 for Rome Italy where he will participate on the U. S. team in the first ever United States versus Italy match.  To read about Tim's foray into the checker world, Click HERE 

April 10, 2018


Welcome "One More Game" to the Unit 169 club game lineup!  Starting April 26, every Thursday there will be a friendly Open game at the First United Methodist Church,

217 S. Church Street in Salisbury NC.  Game time is 12:30 PM.  Director is Ron Jeffers.  Ron can be reached by phone at (704) 857-2325 or cell (919) 939-6370 or email  See you at the bridge table!

April 05, 2018


Our Unit"s focus on membership is showing positive results.  Reports as of the end of March showed we were first in the District in Active Membership Trend, New Member Gains and New Member Retention.  The Unit showed membership gains in Winston-Salem, High Point, Burlington and Salisbury; only Greensboro had a decline in membership year over year.  For the year, we showed a 3.35% increase in membership.  Both the District and the ACBL showed modest declines year over year.

March 13, 2018


Bill Wisdom won the  Salisbury Dogwood Sectional by earning 51.17 master points.  Bill was on the winning team in three of the four Open Pair events and was on the winning team in the Open Swiss event.  He was closely followed by Dan Fowler who received 49.34 MPs..  Judy Gealy and Carol Elkins-Bachl received the most points by players with less than 500 mast points, accumulating 10.77 MPs during the Sectional.  It is noteworthy that local players dominated this Sectional as Bill, Dan, Judy and Carol are all from Salisbury.


In total, 234 players earned 952 master points.  The tournament drew 212 tables which we believe to be the second highest attendance in recent years, topped only by last year's record attendance.  Attendees enjoyed great refreshments and hospitality as well as duplicate bridge.  Our sincere thanks to Myrnie McLaughlin and her team for organizing and running a very smooth and enjoyable event.  Click HERE for total results.

February 07, 2018


The 2018 Unit 169 Mentoring Program begins March 1 and ends April 28.  New partnerships are strongly encouraged.  Please let Cindy Wright know if you are willing to be a mentor, or if you are interested in being mentored. Contact  Cindy at 336-407-9842 or email her at  A special Mentor/Mentee Pro-Am Event will be held Saturday, April 28, at the scheduled Unit game in Winston-Salem.  For further information, Click HERE.

February 06, 2018

Duplicate Bridge Orientation for Social Bridge Players

All social bridge players are invited to attend a Duplicate Bridge Orientation on Thursday, March 8th, at the South Fork Community Center located at 4403 Country Club Road in Winston-Salem.

The Orientation will begin at 1:00 PM and ends about 4:30 PM.  Sign-in begins at 12:30 PM.  Please plan on staying until 4:30 if possible.  The cost is $10.  The Instructor is Cindy Wright.  For details, Click HERE.

January 25, 2018


Thirty-seven tables of bridge players enjoyed the rescheduled Unit Holiday Party on Saturday, January 20 in Winston Salem.  The party started with a catered luncheon featuring ham and turkey, as well as delicious desserts, followed by an afternoon of bridge. 


Congratulations to Rich and Eric Peffer Congratulations to Rich and Eric Peffer, overall 1st place winners in A & B earning 6.85 masterpoints, and Suzanne Rhodes and Daryl Adams coming in 1st overall in C earning 2.03 masterpoints!


Prior to bridge, Bob Hale, Secretary-Treasurer, and Debbie Monroe, President of Unit 169, presented a recap of 2017 (Click HERE for a summary) and an overview of future plans for the Unit. 


Future plans include an expanded special Unit game calendar (Click HERE for details) and plans to hold a Piedmont Triad Non-Life Master Regional in conjunction with a Sectional in March 2019.  This would be the first Non-Life Regional that our District has sponsored and would be a wonderful opportunity for our Unit non-life masters to earn gold and red points!

January 25, 2018


The ACBL Charity Foundation has asked Bob and Claudia Hale to become lifetime members of the National Charity Committee.  Bob Heller, District 7 National Board Member made the recommendation.


As members of the National Charity Committee, Bob and Claudia will be responsible for promoting participation in the ACBL charity programs in the Unit and sanctioned club games within District 7.  Bob and Claudia received National Charity Pins.


Both Bob and Claudia have a long record of service to Unit 169, serving as board members, officers, running many tournaments and both being elected as Goodwill Ambassadors.  The Hales have assisted Unit 169 in running numerous charity events over the last 5 years, including the annual Alzheimers’s game.  


Thank you Bob and Claudia for your tireless service to our unit.

Debbie Monroe, President - Unit 169

January 04, 2018


Congratulations to our very own Peter J. Boyd-Bowman (Greensboro) who came in first in total masterpoints won at the Myrtle Beach SC Regional earning an outstanding 116.84 masterpoints.  Bill Wisdom (Salisbury) came in 7th overall and earned 102.49 masterpoints.  Dan Fowler (Salisbury) came in 40th with 57.38 masterpoints.  922 players earned a total of 12,638.42 masterpoints at the Regional.

Honorable mention goes to the following 1st-place winners in their stratification:

  • Libby Noah & Elizabeth Galewood (Winston-Salem) in 499er Pairs

  • Leesa Goodson & Louise Wells (Winston-Salem) and Nancy Osborne & Nina Harmon (Greensboro) in Compact KOs.

  • John Ide Winston-Salem) & partner Jim Chu (Plano TX) for Mid-Flight Pairs

  • Loyd Hill (Salisbury) & Blondelle Grand (Pawleys Island) for Side Pairs

  • Susan Clapp & Leesa Goodson (Winston-Salem) for Side Game

  • Mary Haggerty & Kevin Haggerty (Greensboro) for 499er Pairs

For all tournament results, Click HERE

December 29, 2017

New Game in Colfax Starts January 11

Welcome!  A new Thursday afternoon bridge club starts January 11, 2018.  River Landing Bridge Club will be held at the River Landing Retirement Community at 1575 John Knox Drive in Colfax 27235.  This game is restricted to 1000 master points for the upper limit.  The $5 fee includes a pre-game lesson at 12:45 pm, followed by an afternoon of bridge at 1:00 pm. 


Space is limited and guest reservations are required by contacting 

Diana Crews at (336) 763-4450, or email her at

The club's director is Jeannette Snipes.  Jeannette can be reached on her mobile phone at (336) 772-7150 or email her at

Directions to River Landing Retirement Community from Eastern North Carolina

  • Take I-40 West to exit 208, Sandy Ridge Road.  Turn left onto Sandy Ridge Road.

  • River Landing at Sandy Ridge is on the right, approx. 2.5 miles down Sandy Ridge Road.


Directions to River Landing Retirement Community from Western North Carolina

  • Take I-40 East to exit 208, Sandy Ridge Road.  Turn right onto Sandy Ridge Road.

  • River Landing at Sandy Ridge is on the right, approx. 2.5 miles down Sandy Ridge Road.

December 24, 2017


On Wednesday, December 20,  Director Mary Leger, Avery Lloyd and Cecelia Ray hosted a Holiday Party and Silent Auction.  Musical entertainment was provided by Maestro Craig Lawrence's Whistling Octets.  The Queen of Hearts Singers, arranged by Wendell and Phoenix Putney and featuring Suzanne Rhodes on keyboards, led the room in caroling.  Jeannie Peters recited an original humorous holiday poem, and Sue Klau talked about Hanukkah.  There was even an appearance by Santa Claus (Danny Barnes) and his two elves (Megan and Matthew)! 


Food tables were laden with delicious dishes brought by attendees.  Exceptional and varied items were also donated by the group for the Silent Auction.  The auction raised $1,500, which was split between two charities:  Urban Ministry and Happy Tails Animal Foundation (in memory of Marti Hayden), each receiving $750.


Thank you to everyone who organized and participated in this fun and, hopefully, annual event.  Ron McKinney photographed the party.  To view photos, Click HERE   Ron has also created a photo slideshow.  To watch the slideshow, Click HERE

December 17, 2017

STaC Results for Districts 7 and 10

​Thank you to all Unit 169 members who participated in the STaC games for combined Districts 7 and 10.  We are especially proud of the Unit's first-place accomplishments in their brackets in all of the District 7 and 10 games::


76.52% - Joanne McClusky & Tim Laverty  - 1st in A - Thu aft - 248 tables - 20.16 MPs.


69.87% - Sue Cooper & Rhett Inabinet - 1st in A - Wed aft - 345.5 tables - 21.79 MPs.  Sue & Rhett topped Bill Wisdom & Jerry Helms'  2nd place 69.42%, which earned them 16.34 MPs.

December 12, 2017

Thank You, Jane, and Good Luck!

​The Unit wants to give a very heart-felt thank you to our departing Webmaster, and our very own English rose, Jane Lawrence.  Jane and her husband, Craig, are moving to England on December 21 for an indefinite period to care for her aging parents. 


Jane is the highly creative and talented architect behind our website and has diligently served as Webmaster ever since its inception over a year ago.  She has made many contributions to the Unit and will be sorely missed!   The Unit wishes Jane and Craig the best of luck and success in England and hopes to see them back soon.

Jane has been replaced by Claudia Hale as Webmaster and she hopes for your support in her new role.

November 22, 2017

Peter J. Boyd-Bowman Advances to NABC Flight A Pairs Final

​Peter J. Boyd-Bowman from Greensboro, and his partner Alex Hudson from Raleigh, qualified for the NABC Flight A pairs final to be held in Philadelphia on March 7-8, 2018. Peter and Alex qualified by placing in the top three pairs at the District qualifier held in Spartanburg, SC on Saturday, November 18. They will each receive $900 to help pay for their expenses, partly from ACBL and partly from District 7.

Congratulations to Peter for another significant accomplishment, and we wish him the best of success in Philadelphia!

November 19, 2017


Due to a change in policy at the District level, we regret that there will be no 2018 inductee from Unit 169 into the Goodwill program. Nominations are still being accepted for Unit 169’s Goodwill Ambassador, but the successful nominee will not be inducted until June 2019. The nomination process will be posted again next year once the deadline date is known, at which time Unit 169 members will have another opportunity to nominate our 2019 Goodwill Ambassador.​


The title will be presented to the ACBL member who has exhibited unselfish dedication to the causes of good conduct, worthy participation and ethical behavior at the bridge table. Often nominees have made contributions to our bridge community over the past year. The ACBL has identified some behaviors of a Goodwill Ambassador, which include:


Greet and Welcome Opponents

Always Say, “Director, Please”

Lead or Place Dummy before You Write

Mentor a New Player

Say, “Thank You, Partner”

Compliment Opponent’s Play

Discuss Hands after the Game

Accept Defeat and Victory with Grace

Leave a Tidy Table

Smile Often!


You may submit Goodwill nominations by email to Debbie Monroe, Unit President. Please include a short statement describing the reasons for your nomination. Click here to review the announcement of our 2017 Goodwill Ambassador, Bill Peabody.

November 10, 2017

Record Attendance at November High Point Sectional

A record 229 tables of players attended the recent Unit 169 Furniture City Sectional in High Point. This was an increase of 18.5 tables, or 9%, as compared to the strong attendance we enjoyed the year before.

Rhett Inabinet came away with 37.39 MPs - the most of any player - after placing, first, second, third and sixth with his partners in the four open pairs events. Peter J. Boyd-Bowman won the second most points with over 35 MPs. Bill Wisdom and Ken Anderson were third with 31.77 MPs.  Others winning over 20 MPs were: John Kimel, Don Gardner, Steve Tyer, Sue Cooper and Dan Fowler.

In total, over 970 Master Points were won by 207 players. Thanks to Gloria Halstead and her team for coordinating the tournament and thanks to everyone who contributed to and participated in the event.

November 10, 2017

​REACH for Gold -- Register by Midnight on November 12th

ACBL is piloting a program that will allow players to win regionally-rated Gold points at local games. It is called Regional Event at the Club "House" (REACH) for Gold.  This event will take place at participating Clubs during next week, November 13-17.

To be eligible to win Gold points, you must


  • Pre-register and pay $25 before midnight on November 12

  • Play in at least two afternoon games at a participating Club during the week of November 13 through 17

If you have pre-registered, you will go to a participating Club game and play as you normally would. You will pay the usual Club entry fee and be eligible for the usual Club awards. However, you will also be competing with all other pre-registered participants at participating Clubs around the country. You don't have to play with the same partner in each game, and you don't even have to tell anyone you're participating.

For more information, and to register, click here.  For frequently asked questions, click here.

Participating local Clubs:

Happy Hearts, Winston-Salem - Monday afternoon game on November 13

South Fork, Winston-Salem - Tuesday afternoon game on November 14

Grand Slammers, Winston-Salem - Friday afternoon game on November 17

Click here to see a list of other participating Clubs (including some in Charlotte, Durham and Raleigh):

We apologize for the late notice; we didn't know about this event ourselves until very recently.

November 01, 2017

Unit Game, November 18 - Grand National Team Qualifier

  • Lewis Recreation Center, 3110 Forest Lawn Drive, Greensboro; telephone 336-373-3330.

  • Please arrive at least 10 minutes before 1:00 p.m. game time for organization and table assignments.

  • Submit team names to Gloria Halstead at 202-213-5672 or

  • 50/50 red and black points at 81.8% sectional rating.

  • Flights are: Championship (Open), A (0-6000), B (0-2500), C (0-500 Non Life Master).

  • District 7 will award a stipend of $900 per player for teams that win the District qualifiers in the Spring.

  • Cost: $8 per person.

  • Local clubs will also be holding GNT qualifiers. The final GNT events will be held at the Nationals in Atlanta July 25 through August 5, 2018. This is a great opportunity to attend a National tournament!

October 22, 2017

New Game in Reidsville

​We are pleased to introduce a new game for your bridge-playing delight!

The newly-formed Reidsville Bridge Club is now offering an open game at 1:00 p.m. on Thursdays. It is held at the fabulous new Senior Center at 102 N. Washington Ave in Reidsville, at the intersection of Washington and Morehead. The Center is only about half an hour's drive from Greensboro. The Director is Bill DeCesare, who invites you to come to the game even if you don't have a partner.

Head on over to Reidsville to show your support and enjoy a game of bridge! 

October 15, 2017

​Saturday, October 21, Unit Game will be a NABC Fundraiser

The Unit will hold a special NABC Fundraiser on Saturday, October 21, at the Georgia Taylor Recreation Center in Winston-Salem. This event will award points at 81.8% sectional-rated black points. The game will be a fundraiser for our District's NABC tournament in Atlanta July 26 - August 5, 2018. The game will start at 1:00 p.m. and the cost of the game will be $8.00.

October 15, 2017

Plan To Attend Our Furniture City Sectional, November 3-5

The Furniture City Sectional runs from Friday, November 3, through Sunday, November 5, at the Deep River Recreation Center, 1529 Skeet Club Road in High Point. The single session pair games on Friday and Saturday will start at 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. The Friday games will be charity games and regionally rated at no extra cost! Sunday will feature a two-session Swiss Team game starting at 10:00 a.m., and will include a catered lunch. All games will have Stratified Open and 499er sections.

Snack and monetary donations would be much appreciated, and may be given to Gloria Halstead or Tom Skaar before or during the tournament. Due to recently refinished floors, High Point Parks & Recreation requests that we bring "dry" snacks only on Friday and Saturday; on Sunday, the restriction does not apply due to the availability of a side room for food setup.

In addition to enjoying bridge, you should also plan on attending a complimentary cheese and wine reception hosted by Rickety Bridge at the Radisson Hotel, 135 S. Main St, on Friday from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Tournament Chairman:

Gloria Halstead - (202) 213-5672 or



Tom Skaar – (336) 501-1785 or

October 01, 2017

​ACBL-Wide Instant Matchpoint Game - Wednesday, October 25

Unit 169 will hold an ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint game at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 25, at the Georgia Taylor Recreation Center in Winston-Salem. 


In the open game, one gold point is awarded for first place in each direction in each section. The remainder of the points are at sectional rating, half red and half black. The ACBL will award 20 MPs for first place nationwide with a depth of 10 places, and the District will award 10 MPs for first place with a depth of 5 places. Winners receive the greater of the ACBL and the District awards, in addition to MPs won at the game itself.


A 299er side game will also be held. No gold or overall points are awarded, but, provided there are 5 full tables, MPs won are at sectional rating, half red and half black. If there are fewer than 5 full tables, a regular 299er game will be held with no red points awarded.


The cost is $10 per player, and each participant receives a 36-page booklet with hand analyses by Larry Cohen. Winner names will be posted on the ACBL website and listed in the Bulletin.


Advance reservations are appreciated - please contact Gloria Halstead, Director, by email or phone (336-858-5370).

September 09, 2017

​Eight Is Enough Swiss Team & Charity Event on October 14

Mark your calendars and form your teams! The Unit will be holding an Eight Is Enough Charity Swiss Team game at the Lewis Center on Saturday, October 14. The game, which will start at 1:00 PM, will be preceded by a social hour beginning at noon. Players are asked to bring a dish of their choice to share.


Each team can only have a maximum of 8 points. “C” players (0 – 500 MPS) count as 1 point, “B” players (500 – 2000 MPS) count as 2 points and “A” players (more than 2000 MPS) count as 3 points. Pairs with the lowest points will determine the direction they want to play each round.


Teams will be stratified where a “C” team has 4-5 points, a “B” team has 6-7 points and an “A” team has 8 points. Please send your team member names to Cindy Wright by Tuesday, September 10.


If you need help finding a partner or teammates, please email Cindy Wright or call her at 336-407-9842. Let’s make this a fun event! Click below for the flyer and more information.

August 16, 2017

Technology Upgrades for Unit 169

​We are pleased to announce that Unit 169 has invested approximately $4,500 to upgrade technology for our Unit Games. The Board approved the purchase of new Bridgemate II equipment and enhanced software, a time clock, and new cards for our Unit. This investment in new technology will provide more reliable scoring and better post game analytics. Gloria Halstead, Unit Game director, has been trained and had a test run with the new equipment at our last Unit Game. We will begin using the time clock at our September games. The time clock will help with slow play. The clock provides information to all players on the time remaining in each session.We had a recent request to provide our director with a portable microphone to make pregame announcements. Many of our members were unable to hear these announcements. We have purchased a portable microphone. Gloria is in the process of learning to use the equipment and will use the microphone at all Unit Games in the future.All of these improvements to the game have come from suggestions from our members. We appreciate all feedback and welcome further suggestions. All of these investments were made with one purpose in mind -- to make the game more enjoyable for all our members.

August 01, 2017

Winston Holds Another Great Sectional

Unit 169 hosted another very successful sectional tournament in Winston-Salem over the July 28–30 weekend. While not a record, we had strong attendance with 284 tables. The food and fellowship were bountiful and the tournament ran flawlessly! Given the free charity games on Friday, presorted hands, free lunches on Friday and Saturday and a hot catered lunch on Sunday, our Winston Summer Sectional was a tremendous value to all who attended. Many thanks to Cindy Wright and everyone else who contributed to a great tournament!

Bill Wisdom, from Salisbury, earned 48.51 Master Points, more than any other player. Rounding out the top 5, were Randy and Kay Joyce from Chapel Hill (39.60 MP’s), Ken Anderson from Greensboro (38.61 MP’s) and Richard Rice from Winston-Salem (28.97 MP’s). Suzanne Rhodes from Greensboro earned the most Master Points among the 499ers with 11.88 MP’s. Three pairs recorded games over 70%; Richard and Jon Rice (75.97%), Suzanne Rhodes and Daryl Adams (73.86%), and Barbara Hooks and Martin Causley (72.73%). In total, 261 players earned 1,182.29 master points at the Summer Sectional Tournament (click here for total tournament results).

Please join us at our next Unit 169 tournament, the Furniture City Sectional in High Point, November 3-5, 2017 (click here for more information).

June 17, 2017

Unit Performs Well at Greenville Regional

Unit 169 was well represented, and very successful, at the Greenville SC Regional held June 5-11, 2017.  Attendees commented favorably about the tournament, the Hyatt hotel, and the wonderful Greenville downtown.


Peter J. Boyd-Bowman had another great Regional earning 112.09 MPs placing him 6th overall for the tournament among 1,262 players earning points.   


Also, the following Unit 169 members earned more than 20 master points:

Dan Fowler 36.75, Bruce Southard  28.16,  Bob Hale-Don Folger-Rhett Inabinet-John Kimel 26.26, Fran Tewkesbury and Dixie Culver 25.45,  Patsy Jourdan and June Satterfield 21.72, Buzz Snead and Dave DeKraker 20.45

June 17, 2017

​Record Donations for Alzheimer's Association

Unit 169 ran its 3rd annual Longest Day free charity game and raffle for the Alzheimer's Association on Saturday, June 17 in Winston-Salem. Unit members and the Unit generously donated a record $3,944 to this very worthwhile cause.  We have raised an excess of $11,000 over the past three years and hope to grow the game, table count and contributions next year.


Mary Leger and Joe Hoesl won the raffles for 10 free plays to District 7 Regionals and 10 free plays to our Unit games.


Eric Lee and Roger Heimke were the big winners with a 71.75% game and earned 6.00 master points.  The day drew 21.5 tables.

June 10, 2017

​Local Pair Makes Global Top 20

Greensboro players Tom Skaar and Evelyn Fisher, who were first overall locally in the June 3 Worldwide Bridge Game with a 66.67% game, also placed in the top ranked pairs globally by taking 20th place in the world. At the same time, Evelyn became a Life Master; a memorable day indeed.  Congrats, Tom and Evelyn!

June 06, 2017

​Longest Day Fund-Raising Event, June 17

Join us for the ACBL's 5th annual Longest Day fund-raising event supporting Alzheimer's disease care and research. You'll be honoring the more than 35 million people worldwide who are living with Alzheimer's and countless caregivers who face this disease. And, by playing bridge, you'll show the world there is a fun game that may help slow the onset of Alzheimer's.

ACBL has designated Wednesday, June 21, for this event. However, Unit 169 will participate by holding a FREE charity game (extra points) at our regularly-scheduled Unit Game in Winston-Salem on Saturday, June 17. Starting time is 1:00 pm. In lieu of an entry fee, we will accept  donations for the Alzheimer’s Association. You do not need to donate in order to play.

For each increment of $25, you will receive raffle tickets ($25 = 1 ticket, $50 = 3 tickets, $75 = 5 tickets, $100 = 7 tickets, etc.). Different winners will be chosen for two different prizes. One prize is 10 free plays to be used at our Unit games, and the other is 10 free plays to District 7 Regionals.


We will accept both checks and cash. Checks should be payable to “Alzheimer’s Association”.  Donations are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt for cash donations. All monies will be sent directly to the Alzheimer’s Association. The Unit will also make a direct donation to this worthy cause. Last year's donation totaled $3,929 ... let's see if we can go over the top!

In addition, several clubs will be running special games the week of June 19 in support of this very worthy fund-raising event. Please check with the directors for more information.

June 06, 2017

Excellence at Memorial Day Regional

​Congratulations to our very own Peter J. Boyd-Bowman and his partner Alex Hudson (Raleigh). As a partnership, they earned 109.47 Master Points at the Memorial Day Regional in Richmond, Virginia, coming in first among 947 players who earned a total of 10,292.51 MPs. Peter and Alex won five events, were second in one event, and placed in another.

Others in our Unit also had impressive results. Those earning more than 10 MPs are: Dan Fowler (Salisbury), 35.33 MPs; Fred Lopp (Greensboro), 23.04 MPs; and Annette Deleot and Susan Wesley (Winston-Salem), 11.79 MPs.


This is the second time this year Peter has won a regional overall, having come in first with 122.07 MPs at January's Cape Fear Regional in Wilmington, NC.  Congratulations, Peter!

May 29, 2017

​Worldwide Bridge Contest – Saturday, June 3

Unit 169 is pleased to announce that it will be participating in the ACBL-sponsored Worldwide Bridge Contest on Saturday, June 3, at 1:00 p.m. at the Lewis Center in Greensboro. The cost for this exciting event is $10 due to extra costs associated with the accompanying souvenir booklet of hand analyses by renowned bridge author, Mark Horton, and ACBL administrative costs.


You will have the opportunity to compete against ACBL-wide bridge participants, who will be playing the exact same hands. As a result, the results cannot be posted on the website for 36 hours. The points awarded for this event will be 50/50 red and black. These points have an 81.8% sectional rating. In addition to the points you receive at the Unit level, you will be competing for District 7 awards (two places) and ACBL awards. The top players will be recognized on the ACBL website and in the Bridge Bulletin.


Please plan to attend!

May 22, 2017

​Greensboro Sectional Tournament Trophy Winners!

Three trophies are awarded annually at the Gate City Sectional in Greensboro, each having it's own distinct requirements:

The Jefferson Trophy is awarded to the Greensboro resident who plays in all sessions of the tournament and wins the most points.  This year's winner is Dwight Meredith who earned 30.19 masterpoints and was 1st overall.

The 7 No-Trump Bridge Award is awarded to the Greensboro player who is a regular club player and wins the most points at the Sectional.   This trophy cannot be won more than once by the same person.  Ken Anderson is the winner of this award with 20.97 masterpoints and was 8th overall.

The Novice Bridge Award goes to the Greensboro player who is a regular club player, is a Non-Life Master with under 500 masterpoints, and wins the most points at the tournament in this restricted category.  Barbara Howarth ​won this award ​by earning 13.82 masterpoints, ​for which she came in 19th overall.

Congratulations Dwight, Ken, and Barbara!

May 21, 2017

Record Attendance at Greensboro Sectional Tournament!

What a turnout!  The Gate City Sectional drew big crowds all three days.  Table count was up 3% over last year's record-breaking attendance.  The Unit subsidized $392 from Friday's sessions to the ACBL Grass Roots Fund. Sunday's Swiss Team game was dedicated to the memory of our director, Marti Haydon.

Dwight Meredith of Greensboro placed 1st overall, earning 30.19 masterpoints.  Close behind, earning more than 25 MPs, were George Woltman of Raleigh (29.59)and Unit 169 members Sue Cooper (26.51), Bill Wisdom (26.32), and Ken Anderson (26.32)..  In total, 1,201.01 masterpoints were earned by 264 players.


Unit 169 thanks our Co-Chairmen Nancy Osborne and Jane Lawrence, and everyone on their team, who worked so hard to bring the tournament to fruition.  We hope everyone enjoyed the weekend of bridge.

Session results, followed by a complete list of all players who earned masterpoints, are available by clicking the button below.  

May 02, 2017

Finishing First in Greenville

The skill of Unit 169 members was on show at the District GNTs in Greenville, SC, this past weekend (April 29-30).


In Flight B (up to 2500 MPs), the all-Unit 169 team of Bob Hale, Don Folger, John Kimel, and Rhett Inabinet were the winners.  They won the qualifying Swiss on Saturday, then beat a team from Charleston in the semis and a team from Raleigh in the finals.

Peter Boyd-Bowman won the Championship Flight (no MP restriction), playing with Alex Hudson, Olin Hubert, Kevin Wilson, Jerry Helms, and Sam Marks.  This team also was on top coming out of the Saturday Swiss, following up with a win over a Georgia/SC squad in the semis before beating a TN/western NC squad in the finals.

Both teams win a trip to Toronto in July to compete in the Grand National Team finals against winners from the ACBL's 24 other Districts.

A special thank you goes to all of the Unit members who participated in Grand National team qualifiers and Grass Roots FUNd charity games held at their local clubs, and to the directors who run such games.... a portion of the proceeds of those games go to support District teams in the National competitions.  

May 02, 2017

Get Ready for Greensboro!

​The Gate City Sectional is just around the corner, so set your sights for Greensboro and mark your calendars for May 19-21.  Open the flyer below for full details.


If you have attended this tournament before, you may know that the traffic pattern and road names around the tournament location were changed last year, causing some confusion.  Please follow the directions on the flyer, which have been updated and are accurate.

If you would like to stay at the host hotel, click here to make your reservation.

April 13, 2017

​2017 Mentoring Program Expanded

We are pleased to announce that Unit 169 is piloting a bridge coaching program for non-life masters.  This program is open to any non-life master in the Unit who would like to improve his or her bridge skills.

Bridge coaches are willing to give up some of their regular games to play with our members.  Each coach will play with two or three NLM players during the rest of this year.  For the most part, each coach will play three games with each NLM they are coaching.  The games need to be scheduled with the coaches at their convenience.  We are asking NLM players to have only one bridge coach so we can open the program to the largest possible audience.

Click the button below for a list of bridge coaches and instructions on how to sign up.

March 29, 2017

​Unit 169 is Looking for Officers and Directors

The Unit is looking for new Officers and Directors to replace existing members who have their terms expire this June and July.  A Board committee has nominated the following individuals to serve for two years starting in July:

  • President – Debbie Monroe

  • First VP (in charge of Sectionals and Unit games) – Kent Leggett

  • Second VP (in charge of Membership and Mentoring) – Cindy Wright


No one has yet been nominated for Secretary-Treasurer.  This position is responsible for keeping the financial records, taking minutes and communicating within the Unit and ACBL and receives a monthly stipend of $200.


Directors are responsible for representing their geographic area, attending and participating in Board meetings and serving on committees as assigned by the President.  Directors whose term expires in June are June Satterfield (Burlington), Gloria Halstead (High Point), Jim Parker and Nancy Osborne (Greensboro) as well as Becky Santago and Kent Leggett (Winston-Salem).

If you have interest in influencing the priorities and direction of the Unit in any of these capacities, including those with nominated replacements, please let someone currently on the Board of Directors know.

March 21, 2017

Salisbury Tables and Points

​217 tables of bridge players enjoyed the recent Salisbury Sectional, an increase of 26 tables, or 13%, as compared to last year. The unit had four members who each earned more than 37 Masterpoints at the tournament.  Bill Wisdom was the big winner with 44 points, followed closely by Dan Fowler, Don Gardner and Josh Hoffman.  In total, 226 players, 34 more than 2016, earned 909 master points which was 132 points more than a year ago. Many thanks to Myrnie McLaughlin and her team for hosting a great event.

March 04, 2017

Asheville Regional Results

Sixty Unit 169 members earned an average of a little over 10 Masterpoints each at this brand new tournament. There was nothing average, however, about the performance of one foursome: Howard Hochman, Fred Pickelsimer, Nancy Lide and Susan Wesley won three events - two KOs and a Gold Rush Swiss - earning close to 30 Masterpoints each. Congrats to every member who participated and won points, and to Bene Ralls who became a Life Master at this event.

March 04, 2017

Make Plans for the Salisbury Tournament!

Our unit's next local tournament is just around the corner -- in Salisbury, March 17-19. If you are a visitor to our area, we extend you a warm and cordial welcome to join us. Open the flyer to read more about it. We hope to see you there! Don't forget that there are no regular Friday club games during a sectional tournament within our unit.

February 23, 2017

Ellen Adelman

It is with sadness we report that Ellen Adelman passed away the morning of February 23.  Ellen was a friend to many in the world of bridge and tennis.  A memorial service will be held on Sunday, February 26, at 4 p.m. at Temple Emanuel, 1129 Jefferson Rd, Greensboro, NC 27410.

February 12, 2017

Change In Location for Greensboro Unit Games

Cathedral of HIS Glory church re-evaluated the use of its Fellowship Hall and advised the Unit it no longer wished to rent space for our Greensboro unit games.  We expressed our thanks for the past and departed on good terms.  Effective April 1, the Unit expects to hold its Greensboro unit games at the Lewis Recreation Center.  The March 11 Unit Game has been relocated from Greensboro to the Georgia Taylor Recreation Center in Winston-Salem.   This unit game will include an awards presentation to the Ace of Clubs and Mini-McKenney winners, as well as the winner of the David Parsons trophy.

February 11, 2017

Bill Sander

We are saddened to learn that Bill Sander, one of our oldest members, passed peacefully the morning of February 11.  The frequent partner of Wanda Whitt, Bill will be missed by everyone in our unit.  There are no immediate plans for a memorial service.

February 06, 2017

Unit Will Contribute to Gatlinburg Relief Fund

The next Unit Game will be Saturday February 18 at the Georgia Taylor Recreation Center in Winston-Salem.  The Unit will donate $1 of the $6 entry fee to the Gatlinburg Relief Fund.  The Unit will also accept and forward tax-deductible personal donations from anyone wishing to do so.

February 05, 2017

​Unit 169 Announces Its Zero Tolerance Policy

Unit 169 is a Zero Tolerance Policy Unit.  The objective of this policy is to create a more pleasant atmosphere at our unit games and sectionals.  We believe that by encouraging good behavior and by eradicating unacceptable behavior we will make our games more enjoyable for all.  

January 31, 2017

​Unit 169 Wins Big in Wilmington!

Sixty-seven Unit members came home with a total of almost 1,000 Masterpoints between them, with Peter J. Boyd-Bowman topping the list at 122.07 MPs.  Great showing by our players!  Congratulations to all winners, and especially to those who crossed a new threshold during the tournament.

January 25, 2017

​Unit 169 Announces Expanded Mentoring Program

Unit 169 is expanding its mentoring program in 2017.  The traditional Mentor-Mentee game will be held April 1 in Greensboro.  This game will be free to all participants.  Mentors and Mentees are encouraged to play together at least twice prior to the game.  


In addition, the Unit is introducing a new mentoring program that pairs Bridge Coaches - who have committed to be available for mentoring once a month - with three or four interested novice players through the year.

January 25, 2017

ACBL-Wide International Fund Game – Saturday, February 4

Unit 169 will hold an ACBL-Wide International Fund Game on Saturday, February 4 at 1:00 p.m. at Cathedral of HIS Glory Church in Greensboro.  Master Points will be 50/50 red and black at an 81.8% sectional rating.  Additional points will be awarded to the top 10 Overall (nation-wide) and top 5 District winners.  Hand records and analyses of the hands by noted author and columnist, Frank Stewart, will be provided.  


There will be a separate 299er section as long as we have at least three tables.  Master Points will be awarded at a rate of 80% of the open game.  Players playing in this game will not be eligible for the Overall and District awards available to the players in the open game.  They will, however, be eligible to win an additional 7.5 MPs that will be awarded to the overall winner in restricted games worldwide.  Those interested in competing for the higher awards may want to play in the open game which provides the opportunity to win up to 20 additional MPs for the Overall award and up to 10 additional MPs for the District awards.


As of January 25, 2017, over 90 bridge clubs are participating in this event.  We hope to see you there!

January 19, 2017

New Open Game in Greensboro!

Beginning February 1, Mary Leger, who has been running the Queen of Hearts game on Wednesday afternoons for her non-life master group, will offer an open game with a 499er side game.  Non-life masters with up to 500 Master Points may play in the side game.  This game retains its 1:00 p.m. slot on Wednesdays at Lewis Recreation Center, 3110 Forest Lawn Drive, Greensboro.

January 11, 2017

​Unit 169 Enjoyed Strong Membership Gains in 2016

For the 12 months ending December 31, 2016, Unit 169 was first in the district and in the top 6% of all ACBL units for the percentage change in:

  • New member gains

  • Active membership

Congratulations and thanks to all of those involved in our efforts to grow membership!

January 07, 2017

​District 7 Director Bob Heller is New ACBL President

Unit 169 congratulates our friend and District 7 Director,  Bob Heller, on becoming the new ACBL president.  


Bob has spent decades at every level of governance, serving in wide-ranging capabilities from board officer to tournament chairman.  In 2010, Heller was elected as the District 7 Director, representing North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and East Tennessee for the ACBL Board.

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